We're worlds apart

chapter seven

"How do I look?" Sara said looking at herself in the mirror hating everything that she saw. She had her hair styled and was wearing a grey suit with a grey strappy top that she loved to wear. She was wearing her mother's necklace and didn't feel she deserved to wear something so beautiful. "No this is all wrong, I look like shit and then there's gonna be Shane in his designer clothing, I'm not gonna go, nope" And with that Sara sat down on her sofa and switched on the TV. Angel walked towards the TV and turned it off.

"Hey I was watching that" Sara said in protest. "Liar, you weren't watching that at all"
"Well I can't now can I" Sara sulked crossing her arms to emphasise her feelings. "You are not going to stand up Shane, you can't..."
"And why on earth not?"
"Cos you like him, you know you do, take a risk for once in your life. Just go with you emotions" And with that Sara did go with her emotions, all the way to the toilet to throw up! "Sara I didn't mean that!" Angel called after her. Sara just slammed the door and started running the cold water tap. "Sara come on, he asked you, nothing to worry about, he has seen you already, so you can't be that ugly" Sara said to herself while brushing her teeth. "Shit I look like crap," Sara said aloud. "What?" Angel called from the other side of the door. "Nothing" Sara sighed, looked in the mirror and repeated to herself "Nothing"
"Look are you alright?" Angel called. "No I am not OK, shit, I look a mess. I'm gonna end up throwing up on him, actually I'm not gonna get the chance. I'm staying home." Sara said unlocking the door and walking out, past Angel and sat back down on the sofa. Her legs were tucked under her and her head in her hands. Angel sat cross-legged on the floor infront of Sara so that she had to listen to her.

"Shane likes you and if you weren't so stubborn you'd admit to liking him too. It is sickeningly obvious!"
"Thanks remind me why don't you" Sara said looking away from Angel and out the window. Angel smiled and said, "Sorry I didn't mean to..." Angel trailed off, biting her lip so not to laugh. Angel calmed herself when she saw that Sara hadn't found it funny. "I am sorry, please come on lets go, if we don't leave now we'll never make it"
"That's the whole idea" Sara said still there was no smile. "Well I am going to go" with that Angel got up, took one last look in the mirror and walked out of the house slamming the door behind her. Sara sighed, untucked her legs, took off her jacket flinging it on the chair next to her and kicked off her shoes. For the first time in a long time her house felt like somewhere she wanted to be. She wanted it's security but most of all she wanted her mum, she needed to talk to her. But she had no one to talk to.

Sara turned on the stereo to the sounds of If I Let You Go. "Great, typical even the radio is telling me what to do" Sarah went to turn the radio off, but started to listen to the words, started to listen to what Shane was singing ... "That was the gorgeous Westlife with If I Let You Go and I played that for all those young lovers out there, now Westlife's manager in his own band Boyzone with You Needed me..."
Sara switched off the radio, collapsed into her sofa yet again and sighed. She knew what she had to do, but did she have the courage to do it?

chapter eight