What I want is what I've got

chapter six

I arrived at Kian's house on time and at the same time, Mark opened the door. "Hey Angie! Welcome! Kian's inside with the rest. Come on in!" he said with a broad smile on his face. I thanked him as I walked into the same but yet unfamiliar living room. It was there when I saw Kian for the second time since he came back as a totally different person.

When he saw me, his happy expression was soon gone from his face. "Hey Angie," he replied monotonously. Bryan and Nicky were busy talking while I noticed that Shane was hiding behind the kitchen counter. I knew what he was feeling and decided not to approach him.

"Kian, why don't you and Angie go into your room for a while and talk things out..." Mark said as he pushed both of us in. Kian tried to protest again but it was too late. The door was already locked. "Mark! Let me out, you guys!" he shouted and banged the door. However, no one outside bothered. Kian sighed and turned to look at me with a straight look before sitting down on his bed.

"I'm sorry I have to do this Kian. But I really have to tell you this, which is something important. I know that you are not like that Kian. You are a very fun and bubbly guy. Please Kian..." I said, as tears filled my eyes. Kian did not respond but just sat there like a statue. I took in a deep breath and then decided to make him recall the sweet memories we had.

I sat down in front of him and said, "Remember the times when we used to slip out of school just so that we could go down to your favourite fast food restaurant to grab the meal and once we even got caught and put in detention? You treated it as though it was a free gig and sang in front of all the other students... you very good then..."

As I continued, Kian's eyes widen and he looked at me in amazement. It was as though he remembered something. I then searched in my bag and found the necklace he had given me. I pulled it out and showed it to him. "Look at this and remember something... an image or words you said to me..." I said between my sobs.

He grabbed it and stared at it. I sighed and said, "We bought this together at a famous baseball store just downtown and you even fought for it with another avid baseball fan. You said that baseball was your life. However, I can remember the time you gave it to me... the last time we met each other until now... you told me that you would never forget me and to take this silver chain... and... and..."

chapter seven