Westlife Interviews

Interview with Bryan

Hi, Bryan! What’s up with Westlife these days?

Bryan Westlife: (cheerfully) we’ve been on tour in UK, Ireland and Greece. We haven’t had any time off! (Excitedly) Since my last trip to Asia, I’ve cut my hair shorter and grown taller! Hoho! Nicky’s changed his hairstyle too, while Mark’s shaved off all his hair!

You’ll be in Singapore and Malaysia for concerts this month! What can we expect from your gigs?

It’s going to be really good! We have done some showcases in Singapore and Malaysia before but they were very low-key concerts. This time, we’ll have a live band!

Recently, four a1 fans tragically died in a stampede at a meet-and-greet session in Jakarta. What do you reckon pop stars can do to prevent such accidents?

(Solemnly) It’s hard because kids push one another during concerts. Perhaps, in future concerts, we should make sure everyone’s seated in the arena instead of having people being crushed in the ‘standing’ sections.

After ‘Against All Odds’ was released, you said you weren’t going to do anymore covers. Why did you decide to do ‘I’ll Be There’, ‘My Girl’ and your latest hit, ‘Uptown Girl’?

‘I’ll Be There’ and ‘My Girl’ was recorded for a TV show as a tribute to Motown. The response was really amazing and people were asking if we would put them on our records. So we decided to release them as singles on our Christmas album! And ‘Uptown Girl’ is a charity single for the homeless.

Say, we hear you got into trouble for staring at Mariah Carey’s boobs during the video shoot for ‘Against All Odds’! Were you better behaved with Claudia Schiffer during ‘Uptown Girl’?

(Embarrassed) Erm…yes, I was better behaved with Claudia! Anyway, I didn’t stare at Mariah’s boobs! (Indignant) They edited the vid and played it forward and backwards, which made it look like I was staring at her boobs! (Gets heated up) I only glanced at them. If you look at the video properly, I was actually staring at her legs!

You were dressed in handsome designer threads by Armani for the ‘Uptown Girl’ video. Did you get to keep any of the clothes?

(Happily) Yes, I kept all of it!

What’s more painful for you: ‘Uptown Girl’ being bumped off the No 1 spot by Brit newcomers Hear’Say, or Irish rockers Ash burning up 300 Westlife CDs?

(Nonchalantly) Neither! I don’t care about that! In fact, I wanna thank Ash because they bought 300 Westlife CDs! It’s always these trashy bands like Ash who are trying to buy publicity off us.

Congrats! Your baby’s due in September! How’s Kerry doing? Is she starting to get weird cravings?

(Brightens up) Kerry’s doing great! She’s got a hugh belly now! She lurrvves chicken! We don’t know if it’s a boy or girl, but we don’t want to find out!

Do you think you are too young to be a pa?

No, I don’t think so! There’s no problem at all because we are so ready for marriage and our future.

Would you let your kid join a band like Westlife someday?

I don’t know. It’s too early to see. I suppose it depends on my child. If he wants to, it’ll be great!

You recently signed on with an Irish soccer club. Does that mean you’ll be too busy for Westlife?

It’s actually a local Irish club. I haven’t played football for months, I only play it during my time off!

Is it true you’ll be launching a solo career this year?

(Amused) No! Are you taking about a solo album? I’m not releasing any. And, no, Westlife is not breaking up!

You’ve been in the news for slamming Christina Aguilera, Mel C and Steps! Aren’t you afraid they’ll stick pins in your Westlife doll?

I’ve never slammed Mel C! I like Mel C! I don’t like Christina and Steps though, so I don’t care if they stick pins in my doll!

You’re rich, part of the biggest band in Europe, have a beautiful girlfriend and an upcoming baby. Do you reckon you’re the luckiest man in the world?

(Chuckles) Yes, definitely! I’m the luckiest guy in the world.

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