1.      Guest turners attending were: Cal Longcore, Dan Jastrzembski, Tom and Garnet Lockwood, Todd Beck and Art Hartman.

2.      Phyllis Yount reported that we have $2857.87 in the treasury.  Dues for 2009 will remain at $20.

3.      Several ideas were suggested to use some surplus money in the treasury:

4.      Cliff Lounsbury will be the professional demonstrator on April 11th at the East Kentwood High Shop.  Cliff will demonstrate how to use a router and a jig to remove wood form a turned object leaving a raised portion for carving.  He will also do a sanding demo.  The cost will be $20 for paid members, $30 for guests and Kentwood students will be free.  The cost includes coffee and lunch.  Committees are:

5.      4 new books or CD’s were suggested to be added to the Library.  Jeff will add these to the library.  Anyone with a suggestion should contact Jeff Grill @ 1/616/874-8493 or grillj@progressiveae.com.

6.      We have a new supply of peppermill parts.  John Cammeron will add the peppermill instructions to the website.   http://www.oocities.org/westmichwoodturner@sbcglobal.net/

7.      The June GR Art Festival sale requires that the individual that is the “sponsor” provides his/her social security # and will receive a 1099 showing the sales as income.  Jerry Kroehn will work with Tom Samson to work out the details for the 2009 show.

8.      The March meeting will be at meeting will be at Portage West Middle School on March  14th.



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