case: 20030829- Can u adopt this poor puppy? 
One of our pet lover wrote to me as below, i should help her to forward this story to all of u. See if anyone can give her a hand. 
你們好!我的英文名字是Gabbie,現希望有人可以幫我一個忙.我想告訴大家一個故事,我大埔的家附近住有一位老頭,他習慣每一年冬天都會吃掉一頭狗.去年我和朋友因為不忍再看見這個糟老頭再吃掉一頭黑狗,所以就嘗試拯救他,但可惜我們太遲了.我的朋友就報了警,雖然發現了一桶狗毛,但可惜亦未能把這個冷血屠夫拘捕.幾個月前,那個糟老頭捆綁了一頭大約7個月大的唐狗bb女在他的貨櫃底下,我意識到這個可憐的小女孩將會是下一個受害者.她只是棲身在一片滿佈自己的糞便/尿尿/垃圾/玻璃碎的極度髒亂的一片小得不能再小的空間裡.兩日之前,我和朋友見 畈蝗贪阉攘顺鰜恚嘀x上天我們終於成功了.我把她暫時放在我家的天台上,但天氣實在太熱了.她生活的環境實在太差了,所以身上的披毛已經差不多掉了一半,還患有皮膚病,我是會先治好她的皮膚病.
9323 1438- Gabbie Lam 
沙田火炭郵政信箱460 – 傳呼留言:852- 77740126
Dear all pet lovers,
Hi ... This is Gabbie and I need your help.   Let me tell you guys a story.  There is an old man near my village in Tai Po used to eat one dog every winter.  Last year we tried to save one black dog from being eaten by this sick man but we were too late.  My friend called the police and found a bucket of dog hair but he was not prosecuted.  Couple months ago, he tied a mongrel puppy girl around 7 months underneath his cargo container.  I realized this dog will be the next (victim).  This poor dog lives with bunch of garbage, glass, dirt and of course including her poop and urine.   Two days ago, me and my friend decided to steal her away and we sucessfully did it.  She was saved and now I put her on my roof although it is very hot up on the roof.   She lost half of her hair because her living condition there was too bad.  I will have to treat her skin first. 
Now I need your help.... I am urgently looking for a foster parent or of course it will be even better to her a good adopter.   I will email you her photo with my next email but don't expect to see a perfect beautiful dog yet because she was badly treated.  She is around 7-8 months,  very very very affectionate to all human and animals...
Please help her and try your best.   I will pay for her desexing fee as well. 
Many many thanks. U can reach me at 852- 9323 1438 - Gabbie Lam
May Chow
Animal Re-home Services
P.O. Box No. 460 at Fo Tan Post office
Pager: 852- 7774 0126 (Please leave a messages to us and we will get back to u asap.) 
Attachment: Adoption_Policy-std_ver-Chinese_English.doc