REX AddIns:

WH Muslim Qibla Direction 1.0

This is a small addin that will help point to the "Muslim Qibla" direction from true north.
The problem is to find out the true north, I'll update this addin to make for the "Magnetic Declination" soon I hope!
There are many excellent sites discussing these phenomenon,
-The Qibla (contains a Qibla table)
-Qibla Direction

The equation to calculate the Qibla is deducted from the paper:
"The Correct Qibla" by S. Kamal Abdali, (Last Revised 1997/9/17)

Download the source. (includes a sample CityTable.rex)
Read the ReadMe file

WH REX Disassembler (beta)

Nothing much to say, the main disassembler routine is 'borrowed' ;) from a development board I was using back in 1985 - a Taiwan un-named product & I've no idea who wrote this great disassembler - I spent about two weeks trying to understand what is going on - I ripped the DisAsmLine with great difficulty!

It's almost a black box now - so anyone can add to this little utility.

Nice ideas ToDo:
1- Add 'page' support - when I started this I'd no idea about REX RAM paging.
2- DisAssemble to memo.
3- Support undocumented Z80 instructions.
4- Add a hex dump button.

Download the source.

WH eXtended cITY table editor 1.0

While writing The  Muslim Qibla Direction AddIn, it required longitude & latitude of the home city & when I decided to work with the city table I found out that it only contains the degree part (no minutes) of the location.
I needed the minute's part of long & lat, also I needed the height above sea level.
To solve this problem I first added a memo file containing the missing parameters but the memo file could be deleted by mistake!
Then I came up with a somehow better solution.
I decided to store the extra parameters within the DBID_CLOCK database!

This addin can be used just to manage the city table without adding the extended fields, just zero the extended fields!

Download the source.
Read the ReadMe file

WH Muslim Qibla Direction 2.1

This is version 2.1!
No need for the memo file, instead the world clock table is used & if extended fields exist (see the XITY AddIn)
I've implemented the same interface as in XITY AddIn - kinda like it ;)

(In version 2.1 a stupid S/N revere bug corrected - thanks DK)

Download the source. (includes a sample CityTable.rex)
Read the ReadMe file