Welcome to my Wurlitzer 165 page!

Wurlitzer 165 Organ at Glen Echo Park, Maryland

Wurlitzer 165 Organ Serial Number 3378 (Now in a private collection)
Click here to see a series of photos of the above organ undergoing restoration! (Works only in Internet Explorer. Other browsers don't properly display the frames.)

Coming soon – information, photos, sounds and links related to the Wurlitzer Duplex Orchestral Organ Style 165

See Matthew Caulfield’s Online Catalogs of Wurlitzer 165 and 150 Rolls!

Dr. Bill Black's Carrousel Music - The Best Selection of High Quality Band Organ and Nickelodeon Recordings!

Carousels.Com - A Great source for Band Organ and Carousel information!

Mechanical Music Digest - A great reference for all things in Mechanical Music

Richie Poor (AKA MasterPerforator) has embarked on a project to re-create original arrangements of Wurlitzer 165 tunes from rolls which have been otherwise lost to posterity. Visit his site, which contains MP3 files of his arrangements as they would sound on a real 165 - the BEST Wurlitzer 165 sounds available on the Internet!

I am building a Wurlitzer 165 replica to eventually operate on my carousel, an 1890s vintage Looff from Whalom Park in Lunenburg, MA.

Whalom Park History – Coming Soon!

E-mail me!

Copyright 2004-2009 Mark S. Chester
