What Would Choke Do?
For anyone that has ever questioned their EDGE, It's time to look to a higher power!
Walking the Straigh Edge
by: Mike Daw
    I wrote this to illustrate a perfect example of how the media sensationalizes the truth, and focuses too much on doomsaying to make money through ratings. If they can scare mainstream society into fearing something positive like Straight Edge, then it's proof the media can manipulate the public any way they want.
     Hell, it can even go beyond that. Fucking Barbara Walters says the Olympics security staff in Salt Lake City had Straight Edge on the list of possible domestic terrorists. That in itself shows how quickly the public is to generalize and show prejudice towards any particular group if the media helps them to.
                                click the XXX to view the entire essay
SLAPSHOT merchandise
exclusive to the 2002
European tour
Photos courtesy of Jonas at www.OldTimeHardcorew.com
This merch IS NOT AVALABLE. It was only sold on teh 2002 European tour. Be on the look out for some new stuff to be avalable soon.