What Would Choke Do?
For anyone that has ever questioned their EDGE, It's time to look to a higher power!
Name: Tiny
Age: 23
Years you have been sXe: 10. 
Are you Vegitarian or Vegan: Nope.  I love my meat.
Favorite sXe bands: Slapshot, Ignite, Uniform Choice, Punishment
Favorite non sXe bands: Meatmen, Ludacris, Clutch
Name of your band (if any): Un-named at present
Reason you became sXe: I don't feel a need for any of that stuff in my life.
What does sXe mean to you: It's something I do for myself.  I don't do it to be cool. or fit in, I do it because it's the only way i wanna live.  It also means NEVER sell out.  If you hold sXe close to yourself, and you sell out, you've done nothing but lie to yourself. 
Comments:  Never sell out.  Always stay true

Website: coming soon!