The New Mr. and Mrs. Weasley

Harry got up early and conjured some breakfast for himself. He was very sleepy. No one else but Mr. Weasley, Ron's dad, and Ron was awake. Ron and Harry worked in the same department at the Ministry of Magic as Mr. Weasley. Harry didn't feel so hungry, so he Disapparated to work. Apparating was simply disappearing and reappearing in the place you wanted to go. He didn't comb his hair, but there wasn't any use. It would just get messy again. He sleepily walked into his office, and a voice said,
"Harry! Where's Ron? He's not in his office." Harry jumped and turned. Hermione was standing by his chair, her hair tied up in a messy ponytail and a long black robe on.
"He's at the Burrow still," Harry said simply, yawning and sitting down. Hermione gave a frusterated sigh.
"I should be at Hogwarts now! Well I've got to go. Tell Ron I'm at work," Hermione said and was about to Disapparate when Harry stopped her.
"Work?" he asked, "Where do you work? I thought you didn't get the teaching job." As soon as he said it he knew it was a mistake.
"Who told you?" Hermione demanded, "the only person I told was Ginny! I told her not to tell why I--"
"You'll be late if you don't tell me why," Harry said to stop her from screaming. She sighed.
"Well, I didn't get the teaching job I really wanted. I want to teach Charms, because I'm so good at it! But they've stuck me with Muggle Studies...seeing as I'm a...a...a what you call a mudblood!" She looked ready to burst into tears, but Harry grabbed her arm.
"Oh stop it, Hermione! You know your not a mudblood. Your just muggle born. But you'll be fantastic in Muggle Studies, and won't that be easier?" Hermione still frowned.
"Well I suppose so...oh! No, well I have really got to move, bye!" and she Disapparated to the station before Harry could say goodbye back.

After work, Harry and Ron went to Diagon Alley again, as they did every day after work since they started in September.
"Oh, doesn't this remind you of Hermione?" Ron asked, pointing to a poster of a witch named Matilda Haugins. Harry smiled. "Where is Hermione anyway?"
"She teaches at Hogwarts doing Muggle Studies," Harry informed him.
"What? Why didn't she tell me! How long has she been working there?" Ron asked. He looked a bit angry.
"Calm down, she just started today!" Harry said. "She was at work to tell you but you were still at the Burrow."
"I missed her? I knew I shouldn't have stayed to read that rubbish Daily Prophet! It's rubbish, rubbish I tell you!" Ron yelled. Harry laughed again. "Well, it's not funny." Ron muttered as his face turned as red as his hair.
Ron pulled out a list from out of his pocket.
"What's that?" Harry asked.
"A list, Hermione wanted to get a couple things for the wedding," Ron said simply. Harry stared at the list.
"She's numbered them! There are over 50 things on that list! Is she expecting you to go broke on this occasion?" Harry said.
"Of course I don't!" said an angry voice behind them. They turned and saw Hermione. "It's not that much is it?"
"Yes, don't you think it is? I'm not made of galleons you know!" Ron demanded.
"Well if you insist!" Hermione said with a sigh and grabbed the list out of Ron's hand. "I'll just do the shopping then."
"Why aren't you at Hogwarts, anyway? You can't Disapparate or Apparate in the school!" Harry asked.
"It's after school hours, and I am aloud to leave the school! There are other ways of traveling besides apparation. If I want to buy anthing on this list I better go then," Hermione said as she turned to leave, but first Ron hugged her and Harry patted her on the arm as they turned at left.

It was a week before Hermione and Ron's wedding. It was December and the occasion was December 26th, the day after Christmas. Ginny and Hermione had dragged Ron and Harry to look at dresses.
"Don't you want her to look nice?" Ginny demanded.
"You don't want me to pick out something you think is awful, do you?" Hermione said anxiously.
"Oh, so you really think we know anything about fashion you haven't gotten a clue on, do you?" Ron said sarcastically. But they were dragged along anyway, and they stood in the shop awkwardly answering, "Whatever you like," everytime Hermione or Ginny asked if a dress was nice. When both Ginny and Hermione had picked out their dresses, Hermione and Ginny went in and bought them their own fancy clothes.
"Oh, Hermione, please don't make me wear this! It's cruel punishment!" Ron groaned as he looked at what Hermione had picked out for them.
"Oh stop it, Ron! Everyone will love it!" Ginny said as she slapped Ron on the back of the head.
"Harry! Hermione! You two!" a voice called from behind him. Harry turned eagerly and found Cho running up to them.
"Hermione, I don't know if Harry's told you but he's invited me to your wedding," Cho explained.
"Yes, well, I am aware of that," Hermione said simply.
"I wanted to know if you, Harry, you, and erm...oh yes, Ron, liked what I'd picked out!" Cho said. She held up a long purple dress with lace.
"It's lovely!" Ginny exclaimed.
"It's very nice," Hermione said with a small gasp.
"Where did you get the money to get that?" Ron asked, amazed, and Harry gave Ron a look.
"Whatever you like," Harry said.
"Oh, he answers that to all questions relating to clothes," Hermione said. Cho and Hermione shared a little laugh, and Harry was grateful for this. They got along okay, but they were both a little irriatated with each other.
After Cho left, Hermione turned to Ron and said,
"Let's go show your mother what we've picked out!" Ginny sighed. Before Ron could answer, Ginny blurted out,
"He hasn't told him, Hermione." Hermione turned to Ron again with an angry look.
"You haven't told her about this?" She shouted. People walking past them looked at her.
"Now, calm down, Hermione," Ron tried to explain, "Well, you see, I can't exactly move out yet you know, and well I expect when we tell her she'll expect for us to move!"
"Oh, so when was this going to be? Were you just going to say to her the day before the wedding, 'Oh hey, mum, by the way I'm getting married tomorrow!'" Hermione yelled.
"Um, well, no," Ron said, "more like, erm, the day of the wedding..." Hermione swatted at him with one of her bags.
"You--are--such--an--idiot!" she yelled. "Come on, Ginny!" and Hermione stormed off with Ginny running close behind.
"You didn't tell her?" Harry asked incredulously, "Did you expect you could just mention it like you were mentioning it over tea?"
Ron shook his head. "Well, Harry, what would you have told your aunt?"
"My situation is quite different, Ron!" Harry said sternly. "My aunt barely notices I'm alive! I could tell her that and she'd act as if I told her there was a spider on the wall!"
When they arrived at the burrow, Hermione, Ginny, and Mrs. Weasley was sitting around the table with tea and biscuits.
"Well," Mrs. Weasley began with a sigh, "Ron! Why didn't you tell me about this wedding sooner?" When Ron didn't say anything, she continued, "I know why, no need to speak, Hermione and Ginny have told me everything. Those this is wonderful news, but I don't expect how you will find a house!"
"Well, I stay at Hogwarts for now," Hermione said. "I expect by the time summer's over Ron and I can afford somewhere, hopefully.."
"Well, we can figuire this out, now it's easy enough...I'm going to bed." Mrs. Weasley said with a tired sigh. "Night, everyone."
"I'll be leaving now, too." Hermione said. She hugged Ron and kissed him on the cheek as she left.
After everyone was asleep, Harry couldn't, so he walked into the living room. He suddenly heard footsteps. Ron sat down next to him on the blue sofa.
"I thought you were asleep," Harry said.
"I wasn't, but when I heard you weren't I decided to get up too."
They didn't speak for a while, but Harry just stared at pictures and things on the walls. Then Ron startled him by talking again.
"I've been thinking..."
"That's a suprise," Harry joked. Ron nudged him.
"Well, what if this isn't such a good idea? What if it's not right?"
"Not right?" Harry stared at his friend, "You're saying eight years of being friends and clearly in love with each other is not right? You're kidding me."
"You keeping on saying it, but I just can't believe it. I mean, we fought so much!"
"Oh come on, of course you did! We were children! Look at us now! We still don't settle things so maturely..."
"I suppose cold feet is the case. Thanks Harry, I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted now I've got this thing off my mind." Ron said with a tired sigh. "Well, not entirely..." he added as he walked off.
But Harry didn't go to bed untill much later. He was thinking about Cho. She had changed a little bit since her old boyfriend had died in Harry's fourth year. She was very sensitive about hearing his name, and she still cried about it, though not as much.
Harry of course liked her alot, but didn't know if it could really work. Cho didn't seem to make much effort to be friends with Hermione, and it was hard for her to like Ron, seeing as Ron didn't like her all that much. But soon he drifted off to sleep.

December 26th, 2:00, and the wedding was in an hour. Ginny, Hermione, and Mrs. Weasley were in a fuss, but Mr. Weasley, Fred, George, Harry, and Ron acted as if everything was normal, drinking orange juice, eating toast, and reading the paper. But the girls forced them to do something other then that. Mrs. Weasley constantly reminded Mr. Weasley they'd have a new daughter. Ginny and Hermione shouted orders at Harry, Ron, and the twins while fussing with their hair and clothes. All of them also got the Weasley men and Harry to get into their fancy, itchy suits.
During the wedding, Fred and George kept trying to pull harmless pranks but Hermione and Mrs. Weasley caught them and told them off constantly, Ron was fussing with his bowtie and kept worrying, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley kept talking about Ron and Hermione's money, Ginny was overly cheerful, and Hermione kept crying with happiness.
Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, Ron's other brothers Bill and Charlie, Ginny, and Hermione thought the wedding went perfectly according to plan, but Ron, Fred and George, and Harry thought it was just too much.
"Did you see how much they cried! Women!" Fred commented.
"They can't take a little joke!" George complained.
"Everyone was much too cheery," Harry said with a sigh.
"It was just!" Ron said, staring at all the flowers and other decorations Hermione and Mrs. Weasley had gotten up.
"Ron! How can you complain!" Hermione said, as she ran up to him, followed by her mother and father.
"It's easy, I just say something bad about the decorations or something," Ron joked. Hermione laughed, even though everyone knew she didn't find this funny. She was just too happy.
"Well, I'm the new Mrs. Weasley!" she said. Suddenly she burst into tears again.
"Arrg, women are such human waterpipes!" Ron said with a sigh.
When they all got back to the Burrow, Hermione and Ron were suprised to see many presents piled on the table below a banner that had "To the New Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Harry and Hermione" written in red.
After this, Mrs. Weasley showed everyone a large white and pink cake with two little dolls made to look somewhat like Hermione and Ron on top.
"Oh Mrs. Weasley--or um, mum, or--" Hermione started.
"Mum, I suppose," Mrs. Weasley said with a smile.
"Well anyway, it's a gorgeous cake!"
After everyone went to bed, Harry again didn't, but not because he had something on his mind particularly confusing or troubling, not that his life was complete satisfaction, but because he knew Hermione and Ron didn't. He missed times at Hogwarts where they'd all be doing their homework at midnight or talking about the latest worry.
When he went to the living room, he saw Hermione and Ron reading a Muggle Studies book. Hermione pointed out some mistakes and laughed as she explained them to Ron. Ron had his arm around her shoulder. Harry couldn't help thinking that this was still Hermione Granger, but she was no longer Hermione Granger but Hermione Weasley. He walked in and sat next to Hermione.
"Harry! Look, they're talking about the telephone and they keep referring to it as the fellytone!" Hermione said, laughing a little.
"My dad sometimes calls it the fellytone," Ron said, even though he couldn't hold back a small laugh. Harry stayed there and read the book with them until Ron fell asleep, then Hermione said she'd take him up to his bedroom if Harry wanted to stay there. Harry decided he'd just look at the book for a bit more. As Hermione dragged the sleeping Ron up to his room, Harry couldn't help thinking, They're married now. I still fit in there somewhere though, right? He smiled and soon fell asleep on the sofa.

I really like this ff! It has a better ending then my first one on here. I hope you agree! I hope it doesn't sound too American again. It's hard to not to! Sorry for you Harry/Hermione shippers.