Q: What's with the new sprites?
A: Because I still havn't gotten the old Overplay sprites back, I remastered the sprites from scratch. They are hopefully better now, and allow me to make better comics. I am also reworking character's personalities and the eventual plot.

Q: Spike and Xavier?
A: We recently got a new computer. All of our Overplay sprites are stored on our old one. Until I can visit the person we gave the old computer to, I will be doing the Spike and Xavier comics. I actually like the new sprites better, due to being able to show facial expressions.

Q: Who are the staff?
A: Kjeild and Alex. They also are two of the main characters. Also, Craig (of
popscomics)(He goes by Teal or Smighter.) did a little of the beginning site work because we didn't know how. Sadly, because of that he has our password and if you see junk on this website, it's his fault.

Q: Does anyone actually come to this website?
A: Other than our freinds, I doubt it.

Q: Where do you get your sprites for Overplay?
A: We make them ourselves. In a paint file. Starting from scratch. (That explains the low quallity.)

Q: Where did you get your Megaman and FF6 sprites?
A: We got the Megamen sprites from
Life of Wily, and the FF6 Sprites from RPG Icons Archive.

Q: Who is that little white faced rat nose guy in some of the early comics?
A: That was Alex's first custom sprite. Now I do most of them.

Q: Kjeild? What the heck?
A: The name Kjeild originated from the name Kjeld, wich was misstranslated into Kjeild. By the time I found out about this I liked Kjeild better.

(and the most UFAQ of all time)

Q: Can I link to you?
A: YES. If you tell me about it I will most likely link back. (as long as you have nothing bad on your site.)
(un frequently asked questions)