The Game of Life
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Here is something I've been thinking about. (© All writing is copyrighted by the way). I'd rather reveal nothing, and I don't know why I thought of these things or why I care enough to say it after all the cruelty and mistreatment I've seen in this world, but others also will, and have.

Is there a meaning to life? What would they be? Why have there been so many wars since the stone age? Why is human life still so screwed up? Why are we such a mess? Is the song right, that Nowhere Man (who commands the world) has no point of view? I'll give some points of view, but I don't think the meaning(s) to the game of life we live are to be said for anyone else to overhear or read.

Life is a complex miracle, yet habitats are recklessly destroyed, overharvested, and polluted! Scientists, engineers, and financiers are the ones who give the companies that create civilization the tools to do this. To say this in a practical way, think what a car or medical company would charge for machines like the ones being destroyed - if they could build self repairing (self healing) ones that adapt to weather and self reproduce. Our industrial products are such a "mediocrity" compared to living things. A few values are really out of whack! Do decision makers have better, more-profitable designs ready yet? How can they do that? If you understand any science, it's incredibly funny! But also so disappointing. If people don't all act the same, then other creatures can be like that too.

Civilization keeps polluting, invading, and bulldozing their land and water habitats and making them refugees from mankind. They are recklessly trapped and slaughtered. Worse yet, the waste is insulting to them and to mankind's intelligence. Is this an intentional war? Very few living things are left in the wild, especially creatures.

See why recent human progress is a very doubtful miracle for the planet?! Think your long ancestral line has been perfectly blessed, yeah? Is anything that acts so stupidly meant to survive, to quote the Matrix/Animatrix films?! The most astounding (quite possibly, and coolly decorated) land animal is NOT a predator, despite the world's incidence of theft and predation. Maybe people don't have the skills, funding, and values now to protect life so inhuman jerks can't abuse or steal it. They protect armories and money. We need weapons, armies, and war skills - I say strength is absolutely necessary, but that the destruction of the world that's going on is a rampant ignorant destruction of almost priceless information that shows no courtesy to these creations.

The world's living things are complex and valuable. If life is a mess and wars descend on people, they have mistreated much of the life around them just as much. It wouldn't be a surprise that it angers intelligent minds. And wonder if mankind is intelligent. Strategic thinkers recognize the wastefulness and problems with war. Intelligent minds will let those that don't understand the value being destroyed follow the urges to go to war. "Dude, where's your car!" (to refer to the movie, "Dude, Where's My Car?") Answer: lost in some parking place. I still have some belief that this warning is worth saying. I'll say this is fair warning. What would each real estate agent pay to know some reasons why they'll have to flee and have their lives and territory demolished, damn it?! What I'm saying is a valuable hint to the meaning of life, and a heck of a favor I think. Act more wisely and intelligently. It's impressive how wise minds find pleasure, profit, and entertainment in wise actions.

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