Senegal Photos
Niokolo Koba (Game Park) and Dakar

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Senegal - Dakar
Senegal - N iokolo Koba

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Ivory Coast


Jeremy and playmate
Jeremy and
his playmate at

Watching for crocs
Watching for
Crocs in the
Gambia River

Vervet Monkey
Vervet Monkey
Niokolo Koba
Game Reserve

Austin on suspension bridge
In March of 1998, we traveled by sept-place to Niokola Koba, in the southeast of Senegal between Tambacounda and Kedegou.  The only game park in Senegal, it is nationally protected and a safe-haven for a few remaing lions and elephants.  You can hear the lions, but apparently no one has seen the elephants for two years or so.

When we went, we say many monkeys and lots of other small and medium game.    Mind you, this park cannot and does not compare with East Africa game parks, but it is still a good side-trip from Dakar.

The other pictures here are of Katy's family and their visit.  You can see more of them on the Senegal - Islands page.
Avon Friends
Chris and Nafi
Avon friends
Family at dinner
Last night
at Lagon I
The Prez
The First Lady
Peace Corps in Heaven
Senegal Peace
Corps Volunteers

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