
Our Goals


Just as the person with a disability has to adapt to architectural barriers, they also have to adapt to social barriers. That's the key! We really think that being handicapped most of our life has woke us up to what's really important to be happy... We do laugh, love, feel, smile and cry as all the people do it, we are not different. Our chairs are normal to us, it is not a big deal being in them... We thank God for each new day which He gives us and we want giving Him our gift back...

For this, our main goal is to get married in a church, in the Lord's house, swearing one to the other everlasting love. Before the fire, Larry, who saw the Romanian Curtea de Arges Monastery built in the 16th century, whished that our wedding will take place in this monastery. Larry also knows and he was impressed by the Manole master's myth...

To make coming true this main goal we must achieving some another goals which are in fact primary needs of us. We can't stand up, get in or out of bed without the help of our personal care attendants, we can't even curl from a lie position or getting out of bed by our self. So, we need some adaptive devices to be more independent on our own.

We need raising enough funds to make our dreams come true. This is the list of our needs if either we will start our life in Romania or USA. You can help us finding the lower cost of these devices!

1) a power chair Storm 3D Series
The power pan of Larry's van was just set for this kind of chair. So we both must drive same kind of power chair. Finally we need at least a spare chair because we both will start working as soon as possible and we cant afford missing from the office because, say, the chair is broken...

2) a sip and puff device and a ventilator for Larry
Larry needs very stringent these two devices. The smoke from the fire made a very bad disservice for Larry's lung. After some years, maybe I will need also these devices.

3) two electric lifts from bed to chair and from chair to toilet
We need both these two lifts because in the morning when our personal aide care help us, we must not incommode each other. Also these kind of fixed lifts are the most secure. Otherwise we can fall down and the broken bone are bad for us. Our hurts are healed very hard.

 4) an electric double bed
This bed will afford us to curl with its help for, say, grasping the blanket to cover our self or drinking a glass of water. Also, I believe that together we can help each other doing things which we can't do them alone. For example, I can't grasp by my own the blanket, but putting together my small force and Larry's small force we could do it.

5) two reachers
The reachers are the device which permit you catching small and easy things and dragging them to you.

6) an adapted house
I will detail what an adapted house means for quadriplegic people: wide doors that open by electric sensors, lower switches (we can't raise the arms reaching the regular switches), raised seats in the bathroom with grasp bars, lower shower and special chair for bath, lower counter tops with clearances for the power chairs to fit under the counters.

Oh, I was on point forgetting the best  attainment since the fire till now! I did renew my driving license which I did obtain it in May, 1989. So the Larry's van just wait being driven by a new driver - Maria!

The Manole's Mith

The legend has it that one day, a very wealthy and religious Wallachian prince, the Black Prince (Neagoe Basarab), rode with nine masons and their master Manole to find a place and build a church more beautiful than anyone may have seen before. The masons started to work, but whenever they reached to the top, the walls would colapse before they could ever finish it. They decided that the first human being they would lay their eyes upon was to be sacrificed in order to see their work done. And it so happened the Manole's wife showed up to bring her husband's lunch, so that he had to keep his vow and immure his own wife alive within the church walls. The place of this immolation can still be seen between two walls of the southern front side of the church.

This is how the monastery could be finished, and the prince was pleased to find that it was as beautiful as it could be. But the prince would not want Manole to build another church that could match his own. So he ordered the scaffolding removed, which left Manole stranded on the roof. In an attempt to escape, Manole made himself a pair of wings from shingles, but they were of no avail, and he would crash to the ground like Icarus and die. Upon his crash, on that very spot, a spring would gush forth, which is now called Manole's well.

Today people would throw coins in its basin, to make their wishes come true.

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