Psychological Adventures With an Analytical Russian

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Thought #1

Thought #2

Thought #3

It takes alot of self will to be the fascinating person I am. But sometimes even I wonder about the worlds view on things. Nothing arouses me more than to see how other people think. I know many of you will probably read this and then just leave but what fun is that. I would greatly appreciate it if you would read these questions of mine and email me what you think about it at Not only will answering these questions help you to better discover who you really are but it will help me in my psychological adventures.

With that being said:

Thought #1

If you were alone on an island never before touched by any other human and all you had was a coconut, a knife, and a batton, what weird naughty exotic things would you do and how would it all end?

---The average male uses the knife to cut a hole out of the coconut then inserts the penii into the coconut with the coconut milk working as a sort of lubricant. Then sits on the beach and dies of pain because he forgot to peal the outer coat off of the coconut before using it. Thats gotta hurt!

---The average female seems to be very very naughty. The batton....just put it this way it isn't used to beat helpless monkies to death. Most seem to enjoy the idea of cutting the coconut in half and using it as a bra just for kicks. But death is quite interesting. It ranges from swimming out to sea after cutting yourself with the knife and letting the sharks tear you apart limb by limb to bashing your head in with the batton. I tell you girls have some skrewed up heads.

Thought #2

If you had the choice of being a dung slinger, some drug lords personal sex toy or a human crash dummy which would you choose and why?

---Just as I suspected the typical female decided to be the drug lords personal sex toy mostly because they would get some sort of pleasure and they believed the drug lord would buy them nice expensive things. Boy is that a load of crap. Lets see how much pleasure they have when they wind up with some Columbian STD.

---All guys think the same in this case including me. We all want to be a human crash dummy. Why you ask? First of all every guy likes bashing into things. Its just fun. But also considering they would probably be dead after an hour or two of work, it has the best hours.

Thought #3

You are walking down a dark alley and you witness a gang of about 15 guys kill a man/woman. You typically quietly walk away but when you turn around there are more of the gang right there. Give an intense description of what you would do? And no you do not have super powers.