Interactive Magic:

Here's a way to drive take up of digital TV...
With thanks to Mel for proof reading.

As always, feedback is welcomed, as are suggestions for future assistants and illusions.

The camera panned across the beach, following the line of the pier down to children playing in the breakers, then further out to the surfers paddling away from shore, moving along the shoreline and slowly back up the beach to the lifeguard tower. The shot finally came to rest on a towel draped sun lounger. A white suited waiter walked into shot from the left, carrying an elaborate cocktail on a silver tray. The occupant of the chair twisted around and saw the camera. She pushed her sunglasses up and grinned.
"Hi, I'm Jeri Ryan, and you're watching Interactive Magic"

The opening titles flashed across, throwing up split second visions of various illusions in progress, then dissolved to Jeri, still in her deck chair, sipping her drink.
"Welcome to the show." She was dressed in a black and white bikini, and had a patterned sarong tied around her waist. "Usually, we have a big magic special this holiday weekend, but this year we thought it might be fun to try something different." She set the drink down in the sand, and rose slowly to her feet, granting the camera a wonderful view down the length of her body. "Now that everyone has interactive handsets, why not let you have some input?" She began to walk down the beach, still talking to the camera. "We've assembled an incredible lineup of celebrity assistants to take part - and a huge choice of illusions for them to take part in!" Jeri came to a flight of steps leading up onto an area of wooden decking. "Of course, there's no point in having illusions if you don't have a magician." She stopped beside a tall man in a dark shirt and slacks. "So meet Interactive Magic's resident magician, Jack Carter!"

A video montage took the screen - showing Carter on stage in front of a large theater. Jeri's voice over continued. "Jack Carter is one of the worlds most famous magicians, and his Las Vegas show remains the city's hottest ticket." Jack guided his assistant back into an upright cabinet decorated with a woman's silhouette The camera cut and he was driving flaming spears into the box - his assistants fingers and toes still visible through cutouts in the design. "As well as being a top illusionist, he's also a leading magic inventor - and Interactive Magic is going to feature some of his latest illusions." The shot cut again, showing Carter in a workshop putting the finishing touches to a complicated looking arrangement of spikes and blades. "Of course which illusions is all up to you!" The shot cut back to Jeri.

"It's great to have you with us Jack." He grinned.
"It's great to be here. When I first heard the idea for this show I knew I wanted to take part." Jeri turned back to the camera.
"I guess I should explain how this is all going to work. Over the weekend you're going to be asked to vote for which illusion you'd like to see, and which celebrity you'd like to see perform it. Whichever illusion gets the most votes, Jack will perform it - and which ever celebrity gets the most votes will assist him!" She grinned at the camera, and the cameraman - who's aim had been traveling downwards - jerked the lens up. "Still, we figured we'd start out nice and easy. I didn't think I could host a magic show, and get away without trying out an illusion or two! So, for our first illusion, I'll be assisting Jack."
"You're certainly dressed for it!" laughed the magician. Jeri blushed slightly and continued.
"But we still need you to choose the illusion! Jack, why don't you tell us what the choice is?"

Jack was a little way away, passing behind a long box on a waist high table.
"Well, Jeri, we're starting with a couple of classics. First off we have probably the world's most famous stage illusion, sawing a woman in half." He ran his hand along the silver and black thin model. "If sawing Jeri in half isn't enough, how into 3?" There was a tall red cabinet just beyond the thin model, the front of which was decorated with a yellow silhouette. "This is Robert Harbin's Zig Zag Girl, in which the lovely assistant's hands, feet and face are in full view - as we slide these steel blades through the box!" Jack bashed his open palm against the shining metal, then moved across again, stopping by a second cabinet - this black and gold, divided into four equal sections. "If three pieces still isn't enough, we have the 4 part Mismade Girl" He grinned to the camera. "I just have to make sure I put them back in the right order!" Patting the side, Jack turned to the final illusion. "And if, for some reason, you don't like the idea of me subdividing Jeri, maybe this will tickle your fancy." A domed wicker basket was set on a low platform, with a number of swords resting in the open top. "A real classic of magic - the sword basket." He bashed the swords together. "The choice is yours!"

The camera cut back to Jeri. "Well, I'm not sure which of those I'd pick to take part in - but then it's not my choice, it's yours!" Jack came back to stand beside. "We're going to give you some time to think about it and vote - until our next segment in half an hour. Be sure to get your votes in!"

Click here to see which illusion the public choose...