Grand Theft Auto 3

Grand Theft auto 3 is going to be the most impressive game in the criminal genre . The creators from this game are very pleased with this game and they have every right to do that .

The change from 2D topview to a 3dimesion is the biggest change in the new game . But there are tons of others . Not only you can hijack one of the 50 types of
cars in the streets , you can actually drive a boat or ride with a elevated or subway train . Or if you feel like taken it higher , get yourself in a airplane to see the view of Liberty City !!

The freedom in GTA3 is stunning . If you walking down the streets there are lots of people or pedestrians ( peds ) walking down too . If its red and one ped must cross the street , he stops and wait untill its green . Also you hear people talking to each other about work , and if you did something bad .... you !! This is the work of a excellent improved A.I. structure !! What A.I is :
go see it !!

Also the realism is great . Hijack a car and someone will run away , but other peds will fight back to get their vehicle . Also theres a 24 hour clock that setts the time of day/night into the game . When its early in the morning , let's say 6.00AM then you see the sun coming up and peds leaving to work . When its night the criminals come out for starting their job of robbing and smashing heads .

GTA3 is not GTA3 when their are no missions . therefore their are more of 100 missions to complete . Sometimes you have to run and walk , sometimes you have drive around to pick up and deliver . But sometimes when u meet a guy named Darkel ( see artwork ) you have the choice to accept his, challenge . This replaces the Kill Frenzy's !!
In one mission that you get from Darkel you have to
hijack a ice cream truck , drive it to public , wait until you attract allot of peds and then blow the whole thing up leaving blood splatters on the ground and arms and legs throwed out in the air !!

Their are 3 islands in Liberty City ( Industrial , commercial and suburbian ) You have
Portland Island , Staunton Island and another one named Shoreside Vale Island !! These islands has different types of pedestrians , vehicles and lifestyles . Also the public buildings are different . Their even is a football stadium , a plane base , and tons of other types like shops and other .

In most part you can't get into buildings but in some you can . Also you can get shelter in a garage ; Thats a good way to stay low when cops and helicopters flying are chasing you .

There are
lots of gangs in the game with different personality's . You have the Yakuza , diablo's , uptown Yardies and others ...

So you see that this game is just great . Everybody that played the first ones in the series are gonna be thrilled to see this .