My Page
Here are all of my "personal" pages. Hope you enjoy!

Diary of a First Time Ponder is my newest project. I am installing my first garden pond and am documenting it's progress.

 Cat Tales is an amusing page of true stories of the antics of my cats.

 My Garden House Page is a page I made for my Garden House friends.

My LOTH Tribute is where you'll find my gift to all my LOTH sisters.  Small Town Tidbits is all about the outrageous behavior of small town folks!

 Eager Young Child is a poem written by yours truely about how great it is to teach art to a child

The Potwin Public Library is a page I created for our small town library, of which I am the board president. I am very proud of our little library! Take a peek at the photo of this historic building.

 Surviving the Storm is a page dedicated to my sister. You will also find suicide prevention tips here, as well as links to pages about suicide.


Dust Bunny

As if I don't have enough "dustbunny's" around my real home, now I discover them on my webpage!

The Eleventh Commandment

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