Adding a Filter
Frog & Lilypad Line
June 2000: Our water was getting so green! We knew that ponding required patience, but we had waited over 2 months and the water was getting thicker - UGH! So off to the Farm Store to pick up a 100 gallon stock tank. We found several great directions on the internet for making a homemade filter, and ours is just like most of the ones I found. It basically consists of the water coming into the tank at the bottom and out through two openings at the top.
The stock tank had a hole/plug at the bottom, and we attached a drain pipe with a shut off valve there. For filter medium we filled the bottom with lava rock. Now I know that lava rock is the absolute best for filtering, but the same thing that makes it the best also make it the worst. It gunks up and turns your beneficial bacteria into the bad stuff that'll make your fish sick and feed your algae. So we decided that our lava rock would just have to be replaced at least once a year. Now in the lava rock rests a table made of PVC pipe. This is used to support the egg crate that is cut to size. Next comes 2 layers of foam - you know the kind that you used to sleep on when you went to Grandma's? Same stuff, only we used the 1 1/2" stuff. Rocks hold this all down and I have hyacinths and lettuce in the top. To clean all this out I shut off the pump and drain the tank. When the pond is gunky I have to do this daily, but once it clears up I only clean it weekly. I take both of the filters out and step on them to squish all the thick green grunge out. Then I hang one on the fence and hose it off with tap water - this one gets cleaned really well. The other one goes back into the tank, which I fill up again and swish the filter around. Then I stir up the rocks and drain it again. This routine takes anywhere from 5-10 days, then freedom! The view from the front looks like a regular waterfall. I was very insistant that you not be able to see the tank from the patio and side yard. We almost have succeeded in this. I still need a few more rocks - double UGH! Next summer I am going to plant something to help hide the filter. Between the plantings and the filter the tank should be well hidden.
So did all this help? I don't know - spent about $100 on the filter and another $50 on plants (hubby should KNOW better than to send me after parts! *L*). I loaded the stream down with bog plants during this process, plus the enlarged upper pool gave me room to plant alot more. So between the extra plants and the filter then yes, I now have clear water, but I'm not saying that too loud. Don't want the algae gods to hear and come back! *L*
Frog & Lilypad Line

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