Whips and Chains ~~~ Cat's LJ icons.

pics used from http://www.cappiness.net/ , http://ii.friendly-wounds.com/ , and http://www.buffyworld.com/ . They're pretty much the best places I've found for great caps.

my lj: catvampcrazines

Okay, feel free to use, just please give credit and feedback is great. I'll have a community or lj up soon for just icons I make.. so you'll be able to just comment there.

all shareable.. just remember
- Credit
- Feedback is always kickass
- Nominations would be fun, since I've neveer been nominated for an icon.




I've done many for Willa, but this Oz one I like you might be able to use if you feel like fluffing up her ego.




Disclaimer: I don't own any images from the shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel. I nor any of the writers/artists on this site do not own any characters from the shows and everything is owned by their respected owners. Joss Whedon, Fox, mutant enemy and yadda yadda . So not ours, don't sue!!!