By: Stefani
Rating: NC17/Slash/Incest
Disclaimer: Don't own...
Distribution: Please ask
~ RAW IS WAR October 8 Spoilers ~
;As soon as Jeff was through the curtain, he was furious.  He held his new tag team title in his hands and took Matt by the other on, dragging him through the people that were loitering and into the locker room, before anyone could get to them.
"I don't believe you!" he said loudly, throwing the belt down and snatching Matt's away and throwing it was well.
"What?" Matt said with innocence in his eyes.
"Don't what me! We are in deep shit when Vince comes back! You kissed me on fucking TV!" Jeff yelled loudly, his cheeks a deep red not only from embarrassment, but from anger as well.
"Don't worry! It wasn't on TV, the camera was focussed on the ring at Test throwing a hissy fit." Matt said calmly, reaching down to get the title, which Jeff stomped on, enabling him to pick it up.  Matt slowly stood back to his full height, crossing his arms.
"I'm sorry, I just... I got caught up in the moment.  We haven't had the tag titles in ages any ways accident, it won't happen again." He said, Jeff's green eyes still drilling through his skull.
"I'm sorry can't take back what you did! You kissed me, on TV! In front of millions, what if dad's watching...oh lord.." Jeff said starting to pace the room nervously.  Matt went over and took him by the wrists, holding him in his grip tightly.
"Calm." He said slowly, Jeff trying to simmer down, "We can just pull it off as brotherly, we did before all the time think OMEGA.  No one knew what was going on! And we were MUCH more daring than that!"
"OMEGA wasn't viewed by people all over the world.  OMEGA didn't have people analyzing, in OMEGA we were the bosses OMEGA was a totally different situation that you can't possibly compare to this one." Jeff said, his anger rising again.
"It was just a little kiss."
"JUST a LITTLE kiss? You fucking got my lips, Matt! Brothers don't kiss each other on the lips and JUST, how many 20 year old brothers still kiss each other?"
"Well I know of two."
"Shut up!" Jeff said getting free of his grasp and pushing Matt onto the ground. He paced a few more times angrily, and then they heard the knock at the door.
"Great, guess who?" Jeff said with sarcasm in his voice. He slowly pulled it open, to an angry boss, just as he suspected.
"GENTLEMEN!" he boomed, "I TOLD YOU, I don't care of what ever the hell it is you do in your free time, but on MY show you are MY superstars you DO NOT and WILL NOT show affection like that!"  Jef babbled off apologies, a deep red, and "If I EVER see that one more time, I suggest you go back to the Indy's, because you sure as hell won't work for me." He slammed the door loudly, the room shaking a bit.  Jeff felt his tears welling up; he never could handle being yelled at like that.
Matt pushed himself up and went over to Jeff, hugging him closely.
"Calm down, it was my fault, I shouldn't have don't worry." Matt reached up and wiped one of Jeff's tears away, kissing him lightly.  Jeff leaned on him, mumbling things Matt couldn't quite make out.
"Baby, calm down." He insisted, rubbing Jeff's muscles, "Bring it down, we're fine, I promise I'll never do anything like it again. I don't know what came through my mind, what can I do it make it up to you?" Jeff sniffed for a moment, before his eyes glared up at Matt.  He pushed him again, Matt falling to the rough floor once more, Jeff hovering above him. Jeff dropped down, kissing Matt softly.
"I think you know what you can do." He said with a snicker to his voice.
"I'll get the keys."
They packed up quickly and double-checked, verifying they had it all.  They snuck out, a few people casting them glares that sent a shiver down Matt's spine.  They somehow made it to the rental van, where Matt got in, Jeff crawling in the passenger seat.  The parking area was dark, and the night looked so much more peaceful out here.  They drove down the road, Jeff occasionally reaching over to fondle Matt lightly, or nip at his neck, making it most difficult to drive.  Matt was quite hard by the time they reached the fancy hotel, his erection jutting out proudly through his ring pants, which he was still in.
They had checked in earlier, making it very convenient to just walk in.  The elevator door opened, Jeff pushing Matt in, while Matt struggled to push the twenty-two on the wall. Jeff groomed at Matt some more, sucking his lips to his and running his fingers down his sweaty, silky chest and over the find, curly black hairs that rested around his nipples. 
"Oh, you certainly are going to make it up to me." Jeff confirmed with a glare.  Matt moaned as Jeff continued to touch him and violate him roughly. The elevator made a ding and arrived at their floor, the large doors sliding open.  Matt walked a bit bowlegged, his cock restrained in the pants.  Inside the room, Jeff pushed Matt on the bed, taking full charge for this one.  The door slid shut, Jeff ripping off his shirt.  He seductively walked over to Matt on the bed. Matt looked up with truly, a unique look in his eyes.  Jeff lowered himself on Matt, kissing him lightly.  He took his own pants off and shoes, and stood naked before Matt. 
"Get up." Jeff said as he lay where Matt had just been.  His cock was equally hard; Matt quickly pulled off his clothes. Matt smiled; his cock was now waxed bare, courtesy of Jeff. There was a small amount of pearly pre cum on his cock, and he licked his pick lips when he saw Jeff laying for him.  Mat softly kissed all around Jeff's cock and licked at his sac lightly, Jeff moaning.  Matt lowered his mouth over Jeff's cock, tasting the salty essence. Jeff groaned and bucked his hips up towards Matt, who let his tongue run on the underside, causing Jeff to shiver from the sensations.
Matt's soft hands rubbed Jeff's balls and rolled them in his hands, lapping out and licking his cock. Jeff sighed lightly while Matt continued his magnificent blow job.  Jeff closed his eyes contently while the wonderful sensations ripped through his body, Matt's velvet tongue sending him into an erotic orbit. Matt's large, strong hands rubbed his chest, plucking at his nipples.  Without warning, Jeff shot into Matt's mouth, allowing Matt to drink his salty cum.
Matt cleaned off Jeff with his mouth, before getting a bottle of lube and sitting it beside him.  He popped open the cap, and coated his right hand in the clear, slick, liquid, teasing his own entrance and spreading his legs far apart, so he could gently push one finger in.  Jeff smiled greedily at his baby, totally forgetting the small kiss on TV, now wishing they could do something more like THIS on TV. Really give Vince something to yell at them fore.
"Oh God." Matt panted as he got a second finger in, his eyes rolling far back in his head and drool slowly dripping down his chin.  He was still sweaty from the match, and now more came down, adding to the delightful mix. He gained speed with his finger, Jeff's eyes fixated on Matt's cock that slowly grew harder and harder with very thrust he made.
"Come on." Jeff said, his own erection had hardened back into a painful state.  Matt smiled as Jeff laid back on the bed, resting his head on the soft mattress and spreading his legs a bit. He wasn't planning on doing any of the work tonight.  Matt got on his knees and inched his way over Jeff, angling himself to a perfect position over his hard length. Matt slowly led himself onto Jeff, holding Jeff for balance as he lowered himself onto his younger brother.
They both let out a slow, low moan at the feeling as Matt got himself all the way down on Jeff, with the head buried deep within Matt, gently touching his prostate.  Jeff gave a small oomph and a push up at Matt with her lower body, Matt gasping at the small movement, before he took Jeff's hands tightly and rode him slowly.  With every slide up and down, Jeff felt his staggered breath panting deeply from the feeling of his loving, and caring brother.
Matt tried to quicken the pace a few times, Jeff slowing him back down, insisting he wanted it to last for a long time.  As Matt's eyes were shutting slowly, so his brown pools of warmth could barely be seen, he rocked himself to and from, feeling Jeff in him. Taking no more, Matt quickly started to touch himself, only holding one of Jeff's hands, his cock oozing with love as it was.  Matt bobbed quicker now, Jeff telling him loving words, both feeling their orgasms approaching.
They came at the same time, as they had before.  Jeff's hot liquid filling Matt up, while Matt's cock shot all over himself and Jeff's torso, the stringy strands caking both young men.  Matt slid out when he felt Jeff softening and sat beside his young lover, licking him clean yet again, and sharing a soft kiss.
"Did that make up for it?" Matt asked with a bit of a chuckle.  Jeff gave him a crooked grin and a peck on the cheek.
"It was OKAY. I wouldn't mind another round." Matt ruffled Jeff's hair and held him close.
"Good night Champ."
"Good night."
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