Club Members' Surnames List

The following is a list of surnames that our club members are researching.
If you have information on any of these names, you can do one of the following:
1. You can leave a message for them in the club message board or
2. You can email me and I will see that they get the information.

ajohnworkman is searching for: Mahoney born in Queenstown, County Cork, Ireland, and Balfour, Blackbourn, Burns, Meagher, McCarron, Rivington, Shore and Workman all from the Ontario area.

bignana47 is searching for: Benjamin Griffin, 1850, Itawanba Co. MIss.; Thomas Crafford, 1880, Itawanba Co., MIss.; John A. Evans, 1805, Virg.; Mary Ann Crawford, 1814, S.C.; Elizabeth Pitts, March 1886, Washington Co., Ark.; and William Stone, 1740, S.C.

cadaybaby is searching for: Steventon

cagletigger is searching for: Bullard, Cagle, Duke, Hubbard, Lowery, McLain, Sanford, Smith, Young

carsieca is searching for: Carswell > Ontario > Quebec > Canada

ccaro1953 is searching for: Dammeier, Engleskind, Grebel

celt46a is searching for: Thomas McNereny/McNairny, in the area of Aberdeen, Scotland. Also Susan Philip, in the Aberdeen, Scotland area. Also Susan's two children William Philip and daughter Grace Nicol McNereny Philip. When Susan, William immigrated to Canada they came as Phillips, but Grace immigrated to the U.S. as Philips. William died in Vancouver, B.C. on August 5, 1961.

cj_31_1968 is searching for: William ABBOTT and Abigail GRISHAM (sp?) both possibly born, NH or VA before 1800, Phillip BUTLER born in New Brunswick pre 1800, Dales, Du Trieux/Truax, Freeman, Harris, Healey, Howey, Jackson, Lottridge, Malott, Ousterhout, Pinch, Quick, Reavely, Robinson, Scott, Snider, Sweetman, Tofflemire, Vincent and Woodiwiss

danielmoore55 is searching for: Baker, Barkhouse, Bennett, Broom/Bruhm, Castonguay, Clattenburg, Corbin, England, Fagan, Gates, Griffin, Harmon, Harvey, Hiltz, Israel, Johnson, Keddy, Kempton, Kenny, Lantz, Laird, Leopold, Levy, Mac/McGuire, McDow, Meister, Mitchell, Parker, Rafuse, Redden, Russell, Sheehan/Sheane, Skerry, Turbitt, Walker, Walen, and Willock

dd12477_ca is searching for: Calder, Gilfillan and Shand

debb_boyd is searching for: Boyd in the Quebec area, time period is from 1850- present.

eandka is searching for: Lehtola, Nurmela -locations -Finland, Montana, Alberta, California, Wyoming; Price -locations -Blaina, Abertillery, Wales; Smith, David and Margaret -locations -Blaina/Blaenau Gwent/Cwmtillery Wales; Davies, (Joshua and family); SÄKKIJÄRVI; Vihanti

ephraim_ca is searching for: Brighton, Colborne, Gofton, McCloy, O'Brien, Perry, Plantz, Welsh, Willson, Woolner

froglamp is searching for: Bachynski, Baczinski, Baratta, Bobrowski, Cybulski, Dufaut, Evanetz, Fularski, Gostkienwicz, Jashewski, Johnson, Katarynuk, Kennedy, Kokerus, Krupcala, Legault, Leitch, Leyes, Lomnicki, Lomniki, Markham, Marsh, Miller, Milligan, Mineault, Minneault, Moore, Nogas, Ogronik, Paczkowski, Paterson, Prontack, Radziwill, Roe, Rogusz, Scopic, Shadlowski, Sibbold, Sibold, Skopyk, Stachowiak, Steculak, Sullivan, Sych, Troiak, Wosniak, Wozniak, Zabski

gemor01 is searching for: Coombes, Keller, Mateer, McTague, Morley, Sherwood, Spencer, Steep

genzoli is searching for: Amon, Crossland, Davis, Delahaunte/Delahunte, Genzoli, Hall, James, Louder, Lowe, Meeks, Mills, Sacchi, Smalley and Tillman.

grammyof9_ca is searching for: Lewis, Roscoe, Scott, Walker, Whitman, Wood. Plus many more.

granny_red_wing is searching for: Dunning(this is the Loyalist(?)side), Foubert, Capron, Swain, O'Neill, McFall, Stewart These are dh's side: Meyer, Spengler, Yhalkee, Pozniko (Russian) These are mine: Schmult, Maleschefsky, Chmielewski and Hinc

hubcal is searching for: Hubbard, Coker, Griffin, Shipton, Rosenlind

inkman406 is searching for: Park, Parks, Rolfe, Morrison, and McGil(l)v(r)ay all in Nova Scotia, Canada

johnhoul is searching for: Houlgrave

judym5604911 is searching for: Bickford, Chapman, Chesley, Churchill, Cobb, Daggett, Drew, Eames, Fish, Goggin, Griffin, Kenney, Knight, McCarthy, Morse, Murphy, O'Brien, Taylor, Walker, Whelton, Wilkins, (Jessie May Austin, John Call, Chessman, Clattenburg, Leydecker, Whalen, Young, most of these are Nova Scotia and Mass. areas)

kirby1_45658 is searching for: Abbott (Ohio)

kobs_krew is searching for: Schroeder (was Schtetter in Russia, then to Schredder, then Anglosized to Schroeder in the very early 1900's). Also Sawtzky (my mothers side, they came from Russia in the mid 1800's)

kvostvman12 is searching for: Armstrong, Baker, Cleveland, Read

lspegal is searching for: Flavin/Flaven/Flavan

madartist48 is searching for: Taylor, Clark, Hardie

mamacass64 is searching for: Boucher, Desjardins

mckville is searching for: McKellar (looking for Donald and Margaret from somewhere in Canada), McKnight (Roy Elwin born in Ireland or Canada), Dunning, Holbrook (Calif. and Ohio), Guptill (Calif. and Maine), Holm, Knight, Petersen, Sengenberger, Still, Wilder

michele1962eh is searching for: Barbeau, BÉRUBÉ, COTÉ, Dionne, Dufresne, Hudon-Beaulieu, Meilleur, Methot, Montpetit, Ouimet, Paradis, Rainville, Rancourt, Roussin

mjalyn is searching for:Canada: Brackett, Thatcher, Farris, Brown, and Silverson
US: Brackett, Thatcher, and Farris
Australia: Smith, James (yes 2 of the most common names you can get), Dunn, Cooksey, Willougby, Hopkins, Curtis, McClintock (also known as McClintaugh or McLenton)
Sweden: Nelson (could have been Neilson, Nielson, or Nilsson)
England: Dunn, Cooksey, Smith, Curtis, Millington, Fox-Taylor, While, Trowman, Hingley, Nurse, Jones, Rogers, Hopkins
Ireland McClintock, Latta/Latto, and Birmingham

monarda2002 is searching for: William Doran in Dundas County, Ontario, from 1853 - 1931: Clarenda Levere in Dundas and Prescott Counties, Ontario from 1860's - 1924: John McCauley in Renfrew County and North Bay, Ontario from 1872 - 1949: Jane Nichols in Pontiac County, Quebec and North Bay, Ontario from 1821 - 1890's: Derrick Ostrom in Pontiac County, Quebec and North Bay, Ontario from 1819 -1890's: Adam Paul in Pontiac County, Quebec and North Bay, Ontario from 1844 - 1907: Fletcher Arnold Potter b. Rome, New York, d. Little Rock, Arkansas from 1900 - 1950: Allen Robertson in North Bay and Toronto, Ontario from 1870's

oldbeatlefan53 is searching for: Delduca, Dempsey, Gaudioso, Germano, Petrie, Petrullo, Slade, Speck

pawsOne is searching for: Balint, Baylie, Bellisle/Belisle, Biro, Burnett, Burns, Chalmers, Coucher/Couchman, EmerisFyfe, Franchuk, Germain, Hutchison, Mounteer, Neave, Petrie, Russell, Scott, Torrie, Wardroper, Witz, Wudrich, Zambor

rayofsunshine_ie is searching for: Immediate Family:
Grandfather's name of Clifford Hodges and Grandmother's was Beatrice May Bird of mainly Wales and England; On my Mother's side Grandfather was Cyril Percival Skinner, he married Marjorie Thomas, mainly of Wales and Bristol,UK. Marjorie Thomas's Mum was called Ada Jane Hale (England and Wales) and so was her Mum called Ada. She is also looking for Jones (Wales predominently welsh known surname); Sedgemoor (family dating back to the battle of Sedgemoor - around shepton mallet area bordering monmough etc.);
Married into family or associated through immediate family through kids etc:
Lloyd - (through child not married) From South Wales; Mitchener - (Strongly Assoc and through marriage) From England, Croydon, Surrey in particular; Clarke - (through marriage) From Wales I think, move to Scotland when married a Scot's man; Pugh - (through marriage) Living in Wales mainly; Rowe - (quite strongly assoc. through marriage) From England and Wales unsure; Carpenter - (Strongly assoc. aunt married into family) From Wales particularly the South Wales Valleys (Tonypandy one town mentioned); Crews - (Strongly assoc. Cousins and aunt married into family) From Wales possibly England; Smith - (through marriage) From England North Humberside areas outskirts of Manchester and other areas of England; Samuel - (Through marriage) From mainly Wales.

sandiew2000 is searching for: Becker, Busold, Safian, Weeks

sandra_battist is searching for: Charles Fay Battist born Oct. 2, 1893 & died Oct. 11, 1970. His parents were Henry & Catharine Jane (Langille). Henry was born in Quoddy, Nova Scotia, about Jan. 28, 1857.

saskavonlady is searching for: Angielski, Balmer, Brennenstuhl, Davey, Doughty, Hofmeister, Innes, Jaworski, Smith, Strachan, Town, Townsend, Verity

sassy_whitman is searching for: Atkinson, Goguen, Nickerson, Siney, from Surrey, England, and Smith

shejag is searching for: Merth, Ruff from Hungary/Austria to Canada

teresacabrera2003 is searching for: VanDeVelde and Middel

terrice_71160 is searching for: Robert Thomas Noble born in Ireland, time frame - 1813-1873, also Elijah Washburn, timeframe - 1792-1854.

treedkoala is searching for: Fougere and Levandier/Levangie/Lavangie both from the Antigonish and Guysborough County areas of Nova Scotia.

tuffieca is searching for: Austin, Ball, Britton, (from Victoria County), Burnham, Coles, Doan, Dochstader, Ellah, Everingham, Farr, Fournier, Killins, LaFond, Lawrence, Lymburner, Melick, St. Louis and Wilkinson. I am researching from Niagara and Haldimand areas.

tweetiepie174 is searching for: Howell - in Birmingham, England also Park and Lamb in England, and Reed and Herbert in Ontario, Canada

ukbrithoosier is searching for: Allen, Bird, Brown, Bruce, Clare, Costello, Farrow, Garratt, Hillyard, Honywood, Makins, Neal, Norton, Spence, Walker, Wilmot, Wilson and Yeo all in England, but Joseph Farrow who was in Canada and South Africa

wendyml69 is searching for: Henry, Hill, Jolin, Roulo, Tatro and Touroo/Touro/Toureau