Saul- An upwardly mobile sexually ambiguous computer programmer who works for the equally ambiguous internet company, STRONG POINTS: He's creative, somewhat ambitous, somewhat happy-go-lucky, sensitive, well-humored and well-mannered. WEAK POINTS: He's easily duped by the likes of Matty, Quizzy Von Klutterbug and the dreaded Couch Monster.

Benny- A waiter for the city's posh snob eatery of the moment, Chateau Le Bo. STRONG POINTS: He's strong willed, sexy and he hates the couch monster but likes bunnies! WEAK POINTS: He's easily bullied by elderly female psychiatrists!

Crumpo the Couch Monster- A couch Monster who invades the sofas of those who are somewhat less than tidy in their housekeeping skills. He seems to have taken up permanent residence at the apartment of Saul and Benny. STRONG POINTS: He believes in therapy and is learning to like bunnies. WEAK POINTS: Just about everything else.

Skampurr the Bunny-Saul and Benny's newly acquired cute as hell little fuzzball pet. STRONG POINTS: Well, like AWWWWW...he's a cute little bunny! WEAK POINTS: He'll chew yer eyes out if you don't watch it!

Matty- Snooty co-worker of Saul's who likes her margaritas chilled and her men HOT! She secretly hails from the planet Snobonia...but hey! We don't want to give away too many future plot points now, do we? STRONG POINTS: Quick witted with a nice rack. WEAK POINTS: Gawrd, what a snob!

Quizzy Von Klutterbug- Cyber genius who also works with Saul. His speciality is computer hacking and he hopes to someday rule the world on the strength of his own demented brand of genius. Related to the noted scientist Dr. Wolfgang Von Klutterbug! STRONG POINT: Well like...duh...he's smart. He also happens to be an excellent disco dancer. WEAK POINTS: The power-tripping thing tends to be a turnoff!

Skampurr-Awwww...he's such a cute widdle bunny! Just wook at dem cute widdle ears and dat cute widdle face! Don't you just wanna hold him and squeeze him and love him forever?!!!

Holly-Holly is a waitress at the Chateau Le Bo who strongly believes in tipping and who will strongarm any unfortunate customer who might work up the audacity to disagree with her. She's the sassy ying to Molly's snootier-than-thou yang.

MORE characters will be added to this page as they are created!