October 2008

Editor - Carol Lee

Make Plans Now and Join Us in 2009!
American Federation of Aviculture 35th Annual Convention
August 5th-8th, 2009
Hilton Houston North
12400 Greenspoint Drive
Houston, Texas 77060

The AFA Disaster Relief Team is working in the Houston and surrounding area caring for the needs of those bird owners who have been affected by Hurricane Ike. We have bird feed and other supplies available. We care very much for those in the disaster areas and want to see that their birds' needs are supplied. We appreciate all those willing to help when our friends are in need. Being affected by a disaster changes everything when there is no electricity, no water and total destruction all around. This is when we aviculturists must step up and let these people know we care. If you need assistance with your birds, or would like to volunteer to help in the disaster relief efforts, please contact AFA Disaster Relief Coordinator Fred Smith email . Learn more about AFA Disaster Relief program or make a donation to the AFA Disaster Relief Fund at .

CALL FOR PAPERS !!! The American Federation of Aviculture, Inc. (AFA) is a nonprofit national organization established in 1974 whose purpose is to represent all aspects of aviculture and to educate the public about keeping and breeding birds in captivity.

We invite you to submit a proposal to present a paper during the convention. Proposals should be submitted in the form of an abstract, accompanied by a brief biographical sketch identifying the author’s experience with the topic to be presented and other relevant information. Please consider submitting multiple abstracts as you may be asked to give more than one presentation.

  • Abstracts will be accepted through February 15, 2009. Receipt of abstracts will be acknowledged and applicants will receive timely updates from the speaker committee.
  • If the abstract is accepted, you will be required to sign a speaker’s contract and return the contract promptly. A short bio and a current high resolution photograph is also required. Speakers will not be officially confirmed without receipt of a signed contract. Speakers are required to submit a paper to be published in the convention proceedings and in the Watchbird, the official publication of the AFA. Final Papers for the proceedings must be received no later than April 15, 2009 to be included in the convention proceedings.
  • AFA will provide a complimentary convention registration package that includes one banquet ticket. All other arrangements, including transportation and hotel accommodations are the responsibility of the speaker.
Abstracts are short summaries of the paper you wish to present and should be no more than 250 words. They must include the name of the authors(s), mailing addresses, Email and all phone contact information for the author(s). It is also helpful to know the name of your company, organization, aviary or other affiliation. If there is more than one author, please indicate which one will present.

Presentations will typically be 40 minutes in length plus a brief period for questions. Audiovisual equipment will be provided and will be specified in the contract.

Abstracts, biographies and final papers may be submitted in electronic format to Please send as an Email or as an attachment in MS Word and identify it as “AFA Convention Abstract.” Abstracts may also be faxed to 662-673-2226 or mailed to Nancy Speed, P. O. Box 369, Benton, MS 39039. The convention requires non-exclusive publication rights to submitted papers including the publication of Proceedings and publication in the Watchbird, the official publication of AFA.

For questions specifically regarding speaker topics and issues, contact Speaker Chair Nancy Speed at 662-673-8100 or by email at For general information regarding the convention please visit our website at

FUNDAMENTALS OF AVICULTURE LEVEL 1 By Rick Jordan & Barbara Heidenreich With Illustrations By Lyrae Perry
This online course provides a foundation for the emerging science of aviculture. It is presented in nine chapters ranging from anatomy and physiology to avian behavior; from laws and regulations affecting aviculture to how to provide proper housing and prevent illness of birds in our care; and much more.

Fundamentals of Aviculture is written for: pet bird owners, bird breeders, veterinarians and employees of veterinary offices, employees of bird related commercial establishments, zoo employees, and everyone associated with birds.

Take the course at: or

The American Federation of Aviculture
PO Box 91717
Austin, TX 78709-1717
Tel: (512) 585-9800
Fax: (512) 858-7029
Join Today !

AFA Aviculture in Brief, September 2008


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Most recent revision September 24th, 2008.