UPDATE: This is a story of a little dog's miracle that happened when she was 11 years old. She lived to be almost 16 after the events of this incredible story. Sadly, she passed on Oct. 25, 2005. She had lost so much weight she weighed a mere 4 lbs. Vet said he had no idea what she had but perhaps it was a rare form of cancer. The day I lost her she had 2 grand mal seizures. Her condition was so poor! (She had lost bladder control a few years ago.) On this fateful day, I made the decision to let her go. She left this world to the calming tone of my voice. I cry still, and always will. She was my best friend in the world! I'll let her tell you about this miraculous event from earlier in her life.......
Buffy's Story
Hello, my name is Buffy and I'm an 11 year cream poodle. My mommy is Whitedove. She asked me to share my story with you. This happened when I was still alive in your world but now I wait for mommy in Heaven with Mr. Jesus.

Mom was at work, and something AWFUL happened! I discovered that I couldn't WALK! I didn't know what to do....so I just laid on the floor. I knew that when mommy got home she'd fix everything. :-)

That evening, when mom got home I couldn't run to greet her like I always do. That felt bad. :-( When she came in she looked so scared! I realized this was a bad thing that had happened to me and perhaps she couldn't fix it!

She picked me up gently and we got into the car. She drove very fast to a place I had never seen before. I heard mommy say this was an emergency, what ever that is, so maybe this was an emergency place. They gave me shots. Yuck! Then they put me in a little cage and I realized I wasn't going to go home with mom. My heart was breaking. I thought, "Maybe mommy doesn't want me anymore because I'm broken!" It was the loneliest night I've ever had.

In the morning mom came back. Yipppeee! I thought that we'd finally get to go home. Instead, we went straight to the vet. Another place I don't like! The doctor talked to mommy and she looked soooo sad. She hugged me and kissed me as if I were the greatest dog in the world. That felt nice. Then the vet said something to mom and she said, "NO!" I sure knew that word! She scooped me up and we started to leave but the vet stopped us and handed her some pills.

When we got home I really had to go to the bathroom. I wondered how mom was going to figure this one out!?! She held me up over the grass so I could do my duties. She had to support all my legs at the same time. I thought my mom must have grown some extra hands. I was SO embarrassed. I looked back at her and she just smiled sheepishly at me. I figured oh well, if this is how it's going to be I just better do my business.

When mom went to work, that was the worst of all! I couldn't walk around or move so I just lay on my comfy blanket on the floor and waited for her to come home. I slept ALOT! The saddest part was when she got home. I couldn't go to greet her.
That made me feel very frustrated!

We went to the doctor more than I ever remembered from the past. Mom would hide my pills in yummy meat. I guess she thought she was fooling me into thinking there was nothing inside. I knew better!

Every night mom massaged my body and talked gently to me. She cried every night too. I wanted to lick away her tears but I couldn't reach her face. She'd bend down close to me and I'd do my best to kiss away those tears.

Finally, one day I noticed we weren't going to the vet anymore. I assumed it was because he couldn't heal me. I think mommy thought the same thing too. Still, every night she'd give me a massage and talk quietly to someone I couldn't see. Maybe it was God. I don't really know. I'd hear the name Jesus so maybe that's who she was talking to... this.... Mr. Jesus. After a very long time of living like this something changed. Before going to bed mom massaged me like always, but on this particular night, she somehow looked at me differently. There was resolve in her eyes and I knew she had finally accepted my condition. I could tell she was going to love me for the rest of my life exactly how I am!!!! I felt accepted and very loved.

The very next morning when mom left the room....I tried to stand. When she returned.....I was STANDING! She took me to the vet's and I never saw anyone's eyes get as BIG as that vet's! Mom just kept on talking and smiling. I was so proud that I could stand alittle and so proud of mom for not giving up on me!

Every day I got better! Now I can trot and jump! I still limp alittle and mom insists on lifting me up onto the sofa. Best of all, I can greet mom when she comes home and I can go to the bathroom all by myself! The vet couldn't heal me and neither could mom but I discovered this thing called LOVE has great POWER! I think that the Mr. Jesus that mom talked to quietly each night must have helped me get well too. He must be God!

I wanted to tell my story so that other moms and dads will keep loving and believing in miracles for their fur-childern. PLEASE don't give up on us when we're old, sick or injured. Keep on loving us and believe in a power greater than us all!

Love Forever,