Stunning models Captured on Location In China

T- Shirt     - Freds of Peckham 2 for £5
Wristband -  Not known but sure to be all the rage
Jeans        - The latest model from Levis
                   will be in the shops soon at £90
Socks       -  Woolworths 3 in a pack £3.99
Shoes       -  Chengdu Brickabat Charity Shop 10 Yen

T Shirt   - Pompey Club Shop circa 1992
               no longer available and a collecters piece
Shorts   -  Big Biffa Gear Sydney $8
Socks   -  Hammers Club Shop   £7
Boots    -  Harrods £200
Think You've got what it takes to be a top model then send your pictures - and keep them tasteful  - to our fashion editor..................