The Man in the Pub
New landlady eh.  You know why the other one left.  Refused to catch the rats in the morning.  They told him to get a cat but said he couldn't afford to keep it.  That was enough they sacked him.
Rumour has it that they wanted to paint the front of the pub Orange and Black to welcome home the cup final team.  Council said it was a listed building and wouldn't let them.  They say that before every renovation thats why the pub is crumbling down.
I had a lock in the other day.  Problem was I had to hide in the toilet and wait till everybody had gone before I could get at the top shelf.  Believe you me it works.  mind you I thought the cleaner was less than pleasant when he threw me out in the morning.
The latest famous person spotted in the pub was none other than your Countess Sophie.  She wanted my opinion on Cherie Blair and that Prince Charles.  If only I had been ten years younger she was quite a sort and let me into a few more secrets that you wont be reading in the News of the World.  I think she may be a bit frustrated cos you know there is no smoke without fire when it comes to that mans man Prince Edward if you know what I mean.
Sven Goran Erickson managing England its a disgrace is that.  Blooming foreigners telling our lads how to play football.  Next thing you'll be telling me that the Duke of Edinburgh is Greek or something.
I don't what it is about you youngsters and your so called Garage music and industrial rave.  In my day we more than happy to sing -a-long to Dame Vera.  Kept the lads spirits up that did.  One big cheerie sing song before we raided the beaches.  I heard the football team want to have a "disco" before they play football.  Stiff talking to and a shot of whiskey thats what they need.  And never mind shin pads as well and while im at it what about good old fashioned leather balls.  and I don't like it when they kiss when they score.  Its only a game lads anyone would think you won a war or me and my mates did.....have I told you about that.....we showed Jonny Foreigner a thing or too... you lot could learn a lesson .  And come back to the pub with your medals thinking your something  I've got a real hero's medal I saw National Service in Croydon.. proper hero I am and don't you forget it  etc etc