Tickle the Muse

Is Your Muse on Vacation?

Have the Plot Bunnies Stopped Running?

In the Mood to Write Something Really Different?

Take on One of the Challenges Below.

Let Your Imagination Run Wild!

Jim and Blair visit a Sci-Fi convention (for at least half the story).  A guest star saves Blair's life.  Jim is mistaken for a TV/movie star.  No one is murdered.
Other elements: an autographed butt cheek; a Tribble joke at the expense of William Shatner's hair; a Seven of Nine action figure; someone spills their coffee; Jim wears a Klingon mask; marbles; Simon says, "Beam me up, Skippy!" and at least once, Blair says, "I'm an anthropologist, not a ---."

Jim has 36 hours to find 4 bombs in Cascade.  Blair disappears after they find the 2nd bomb.  Jim and Carolyn argue (does NOT limit this to first season).  Simon puts a large dent in Jim's truck.
Other elements: sneezing powder; a flickering light; a Superman comic; a Spanish newspaper; an appearance by an old canon enemy; trip to the Cascade Zoo; Jim owies resulting from an ice cream cone; sticky tack; an obnoxious Furby.

Blair inadvertantly finds himself undercover.  Jim slaps Naomi.  The MC boys sing "If You Wanna Be Happy."  Simon gets anonymous tips from a gay-sounding male voice.
Other elements: a pink hearse; leopard print purse; a shooting star; Simon drives a tractor trailer; a reference to Cher; 2 murdered prostitutes; U-Lock storage; "Simon Says" banter; a reference to the Care Bears; a set of lost keys; the Cascade Reservoir.

Gustavo El Conte is back in Cascade.  Jim shoots Megan.  Two rare Egyptian cat statues are stolen from Rainier.  Blair crashes the Hayseed into Simon's freshly-painted car.  Simon goes out on a date.
Elements: a stuck zipper; Jim says, "X marks the spot;" Blair never says "Maya" out loud; a Mighty Ducks jersey; Green Eggs and Ham; a wasp's nest; a taxi driver named Bubba; Blair's furry hat (Light My Fire).

Issued by silverrain, this challenge must include: 1) Jim saying, "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late for an important date.  2) at least 3 spilt milkshakes.  3) a pear tree.  4) a broken 30's jukebox.  5) Blair giving Jim a slug in the face (take it any way you want).  6) Jim giving Blair a kick in the balls (ouch!).  7) Simon squealing like a girl and waving his hands about.  8) a guest star appearance of Archie Bunker and/or Little Lulu.  9) any song by Prince or Stevie Wonder.  and 10) the phrase, "What must I do to get a good slice of Velveeta Cheese?"  Good luck.

Do you have an unusual challenge to post?  Email me!

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