
Once upon a time there was a God named Golitheus. He was the fastest God alive and no one dared challenge him for if they would lose they would die. But one day there was a young man who was very fast and boasted that if Golitheus were to challenge him he would win. The people heard this and were shocked at his boastfulness they pleaded with him to stop before Golitheus heard his challenge. The young man was named Davideous he decided to stop and told the people that he would not make such a boast again. When he went home he told he told his mother that one day he would show those people that a God can be beaten by a mortal.

Davideous decided to train hard because he knew that one day he would challenge Golitheus. As he continued to train, his friends would make fun at him and tell him that if he ever challenge Golitheus, he would surely die. Davideous did have one fan and that was his mother. She believed that Davideous would one day defeat Golitheus and she would pray every night because she did not want her son to die.

In the spring, one day while Davideous was training, Golitheus came upon him and issued a challenge. They would run three races and the loser (Davideous) would be beheaded in front of villagers. Even though, Davideous felt that he could beat Golitheus, he was very nervous after all he did not want to die. The day of the first race came and all the villagers came out to see. Davideous was very nervous and could not get his legs to work properly so he lost the race. The villagers made fun of him and told him that it was his own fault because they had warned him. Davideous knew he had to do better at the next race otherwise he would be dead. So off, he went to continue training. He had to find a way not to make his feet work for him like when he was training. On the day of race two, Davideous was more confident. Golitheus was over confident as usual and played around with Davideous and the race ended up in a draw. Davideous knew that he had to win the third race otherwise he would be beheaded.

A few days before the final race, Davideous had a vision. In his vision, he saw the God Hafestas. Hafestas told him that he had created an item that would help him win the race but all Davideous needed was confidence. Davideous then set out on the journey to locate the item. This journey takes him into the ice mountains path where he encounters the wilderbeast. He runs as fast as he could until he reaches a cave. In the cave, he saw a crystal box with Jordan engraved on it. Inside he found some pattern leather sneakers with jordan written on it. "This is what would help me win" he thought to himself. "Well let me give them a try". As soon as he puts them on his feet, the cave start to crumble and he had to run out quickly. Out of no way he gain a burst of speed that he did not know he had before and he ran down the mountain faster than anything in the world. He know that these sneakers would him out in the race.

The day of the final race was upon Davideous, and again all the villagers were present. As Davideous and Golitheus, lined up everyone was curious to know what was the funny shoes that Davideous was wearing on his feet. As they all laughed at him, Davideous just stood his ground and waiting for the signal to start the race. And the great race began, Golitheus started out strong but Davideous was very close behind him. They ran swift as ever, coming close to the end of the race the magical shoes began to shine. Out of no way Davideous zoomed ahead of the God, leaving him in a cloud of dust as he crossed the finish line. Golitheus stood with his mouth wide open astounished at what had just happened. Golitheus reached the finish line and saw that Davideous was waiting for him. He congratulated him on a great race, and asked him how he was able to do so. Davideous told him simple, most people run without these on and with all the rocks on the road,you can hurt your feet. Thats why I think we should all wear sneakers. Golitheus said "Well met I have waited tom be defeated by someone and finally I have I shall have your town blessed and protected form all dangers and evil". "Davideous" said Golitheus and your reward m is your own sneaker line of the gods . Davideous said "Ok I will call these shoes Adias".

And that how the Adias sneaker line was made and still lasts today.