My Essay

Why it is fun to play basketball!

The Fun of Basketball.

Basketball can be fun for anyone. It is a lot of exercise and really easy to learn to play. You don't need much to begin playing. All you need are three things. You need to know how to play, have different skill's, and the experience of victory. Playing is what will start you on your way to liking the sport and want to play more. Playing will also help you develop the skills you need to play better. The skills' that you will learn such as a crossover will help you get past anyone to go for a point and score. Once you are all set the final task is to play and beat someone and get the feel of victory.

How to Play.

To play basketball all you need is a basketball, some gear, a court to play at and the desire to win. You need a a basketball because how will you be able to score points and get new skills with out using one. The gear you need are some sneakers and some shorts. You need the sneakers so that you can run faster than in boots or shoes and you need shorts because it is not as baggy as jeans which slow you down. A reason for me playing in a uniform than in regular clothes because jeans may get caught behind your boots and can make you trip while running. When you have all your gear and a ball you are now ready to play at the court. The court is where you will gain most of your skills and learns moves from watching others try them. Once you have the skills then it's time to start playing hard to win.

The many Skills.

There are many skill's needed to play basketball some of these are the basic crossover, lay up's, and the jump shot. A crossover is a basic skill to get past your challenger to make point's. A crossover is also a way to show off your skill's in a game. The lay up's it a very easy skill to do all you have to do is run up to the hoop without dunking and shoot the ball. Another use of a lay up's is to show that you can use a crossover to take the ball to the hole on someone. Jump shot is a shot that you take by jumping and shoting the ball. It is also good because when you can't take it to the hole you take a jump shot to score point's. That the skills needed to play and challenge opponent's.

My Conclusion.

Basketball can be fun for anyone in my own opinion. Having played the sport and had the necessary skills the feel of victory is in your grasp. There are many positive aspects to playing basketball and it is great exercise. Most importantly it is just good fun and can be done by anyone.