Chapter 4

(An hour later, AJ goes to pick up Liz at her house)
Liz:  Sandra get that I’m sooooo not ready yet.
Sandra:  Yes master. (Opens the door to see AJ in a suit, her mouth drops)
AJ:  You know, the jaw on the floor look really isn’t for you.
Sandra:  I’ve never seen you in a suit before.
AJ:  You like?
Sandra:  Uh huh.   Come on in…she isn’t ready yet.
AJ:  I figured she wouldn’t be…that’s why I made reservations for 7.
Sandra:  (looks at her watch) Well, it’s 6:15 now…she has a good 10 minutes before you guys have to go.  
AJ:  So what are you going to do tonight?
Sandra:  I’m going to be a couch potato.  Howie is going to stay at his sisters for the night…they are working on a project…so I’m just gonna chill for the night.
AJ:  Sounds like a plan to…
(AJ stops when he sees Liz coming down the stairs in her beautiful black dress)
Liz:  Hey there.
AJ: You look…uh I mean…uh wow.
Liz:  He’s so cute.
AJ:  You ready to go madam?
Liz:  Oh yes kind sir.
Sandra:  Oh will you two just leave already!
Liz:  Don’t wait up sis.
Sandra:  I won’t.  You two have fun.
AJ:  We will.  Later.
Sandra:  Bye.
(Sandra goes back to her TV watching, as Liz and AJ go to the restaurant)
(They arrive, to see a line forming outside)
AJ:  Ready to go?
Liz:  Ugh, can u believe that line.  But yea, I’m ready to enjoy this.
AJ:  Don’t worry I made reservations a while ago. We’ll be fine. (AJ gets out of the car and goes over and opens the door. He then helps Liz out of the car)
Liz:  Why thank you.
AJ:  I’m here to please you milady.
Liz:  And you do it so well too.

Chapter 5

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