Chapter 12

Kayla:  Hold on a second, back the lil trolley up there…did you just say ENGAGED?!?
Liz:  Uh huh.
All the girls scream: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Sandra:  I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.
Liz:  I wanted to tell you all at the same time.
Elena:  So how did he ask you?
Liz: Oh I’ll never forget it.  He told me he had a present for me…but he had to open it for me.
Kayla:  That’s odd…continue.
Liz:  So he opens up the gift and there was a lil black velvet box.
Alexa: Ooo oooo.
Liz: And then he opens the box and stands right in front of me…I was in total shock.
Sandra:  I need a tissue.
Liz:  And then…this is the part I’ll never forget…he gets down on one knee, and says…
Kayla:  Oh you didn’t just stop there!  What did he say!?
Liz:   Elizabeth, I would be the happiest man alive if you would be my wife, will you marry me?
Sandra, Alexa, Elena, and Kayla:  (together) Awwwwwwwwwww.
Elena:  Did you say yes right away?
Liz:  I was in total shock…all I could say was…I…I...I.
Alexa:   So then what happened?
Liz:  Then he asked…was that a yes?   And I said…of course I’ll marry you!
Kayla: (looking at Liz’s hand) Where’s the ring?  I wanna see the ring.
(Liz shows everyone the ring)
Kayla:  Don’t go swimming with it on…you’ll sink to the bottom.

Chapter 13

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