Chapter 14
(Phone rings)
AJ:  Yo.
Liz:  Hey there.
AJ:  Why hello there future Mrs. Mclean
Liz:  I like that…so did you ask Howie yet?
AJ:  Nope…I asked them all to be my best men.
Liz:  That’s great…cause I asked all the girls to be maids of honor.
AJ:  You have made me the happiest man alive…you know that?
Liz:  Yea, yea I know…I just rule.
AJ:  That you do, but I gotta get back to work…see you later?
Liz:  Of course…and AJ?
AJ:  Yes?
Liz:  I love you.
AJ:  I love you too babe…see you soon.
Liz:  Bye.
(They both hang up the phone)
Kayla:  There is a lot of love in this room.
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