Chapter 2

(The boys leave the next day. The girls can’t call the guys while they are gone because they don’t want any interruptions while they are recording. The guys are allowed to call the girls though. A few days after the guys leave Alexa has been studying up a storm because her finals are at the end of the week.)
Elena: (knocks on Alexa’s door) Hey Lex, you want something to eat?
Alexa: Not now Elena. I’m in the middle of something.
Elena: Just making sure cause I went to the store and got you turkey. Mmmmmmm turkey…you know you love turkey.
Alexa: (annoyed) Not now Elena.
Elena: When was the last time you ate anything?
Alexa: (comes to the door and opens it) Look, when I finish this chapter I’ll eat, until then I have to study.
Elena: Just trying to help.
Alexa: Well don’t. In fact, why don’t you leave!
Elena: Ok, I’ll be in my room. (Goes to walk away)
Alexa: No I meant the house.
Elena: (turns back around and looks at Alexa in shock) You want me to leave the house…as in move out?!
Alexa: Just until my finals are over…you make too much noise.
Elena: Sorry that my flushing of the toilet is too loud for you. Fine I’ll leave. I’ll be with Kayla.
Alexa: Fine.
Elena: Fine.
(Elena goes to her room and packs some of her stuff. She then gets in her car and drives to Kayla's house. Kayla is sitting on the couch with Quincy on her lap and she is watching TV)
Kayla: Oh look it’s that commercial, the one with the talking sock puppet. Oh…look at all those animals with the tears in their eyes...(sniff)…oh that’s so sad. (She pulls Quincy up to her and she sings to him) If you leave me now…wooooooo. (Starts to cry)
Kayla: (gets up and answers the door) Hey Lane. (Wipes away the tears) What’s up with the luggage?
Elena: You ok?
Kayla: Yeah sad commercial on TV is all.
Elena: Oh…well do you think that I can stay with you for awhile cause Alexa kicked me out.
Kayla: She kicked you out?!
Elena: Yup. So what do you say?
Kayla: Yeah sure. I don’t mind. COME ON IN!!!! (Remembers) Oh yeah, I have to go to the store. Make yourself at home…I’ll be back in a few.
Elena: Thanks Kay, I appreciate this.
Kayla: No prob bob. (Kayla leaves)
(Later in the day Sandra goes to a café and sits down. She orders a cup of coffee and looks around. A guy comes in, sees Sandra and comes over towards her.)
Matt: Are you Sandra?
Sandra: Yeah hi.
Matt: I’m Matt. (Sits down across from her)
Sandra: Nice to meet you. (They shake hands. There is an awkward pause.) Well, I haven’t been on a date in awhile let alone a blind date.
Matt: Yeah me too. I just broke up with my girlfriend about a month ago. Everyone has been telling me to get out…so…here I am.
Sandra: Yeah me and How…my boyfriend and I broke up about a month and a half ago. One of my friends from work told me about this wonderful guy…
Matt: Really…she said wonderful?
Sandra: Yeah, she said you were sweet and kind and all that stuff.
Matt: I hope I don’t disappoint you.
Sandra: (looks into his eyes) I don’t think you will.