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May 11, 2000

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We had a good rain last night.  Baltimore got hail and a twister!  The camillia is almost done blooming.  It was absolutely gorgeous!!  The Blue Nile Lily is almost done blooming as well. The miniature iris just had their first blossom open yesterday and the columbines are in full bloom.  The large Globe Alliums are blooming as well.  I've taken a long weekend(Friday through Monday!!) and I have enough chores planned for a year of long weekends.  I do want to get the rest of the mulch, though.  I use free mulch from the city for most of the beds, but since it has a lot of oak leaves, I don't use it near the roses.  I also want to finish edging the beds.  It's too hard to cut the grass near the beds the way they are now.  I'm hoping to start digging up the grass and level the site for the patio this weekend, too, but I don't think I'll get that project finished.  Since the last hard frost date is this weekend, I'll put the Koi out in the small pond.  They can't stay in the fish tank any longer.  They're wall to wall!


One of the last Camillia blossoms