Try da GAY test & c just how 'DAVID' u really r.
When parents innocently name their child at birth are they aware of the consequences that this chosen name will have on their child for the rest of their life? Obviously there are the stupid ones like Gaylord and Boris which most sane parents would not call their child but what about the seemingly innocent, and very common David? Are parents aware that they may be playing a hand in determining their child’s sexuality from a young age by simply choosing this name? It has been brought to my attention over the last few years that an increasing number of Perth’s gay population is named David and many books and movies often choose this name for their gay characters.

At KFC we have our very own suspected gay David – one of our relief managers in fact. With his youthful looks and staring eyes and camp posture this can perhaps be ascertained. David has a particularly effeminate look about him and in general gives off a very gay air. Male customers have been known to walk in and receive free food – boyfriends or crushes? The mystery still remains…
David encounters:
David no1: An ex-Hampton student. David Farrow was an obsessed Madonna fan. He later went on to doing drugs and dyeing his hair black and disguising his gayness by claiming to listen to hardcore rap. Still no ones fooled. he's most probably out of the closet by now.
David no 2: A school student was once labeled as a code name, ironically as David. He is well indoctrinated into the gay society of Perth being a regular at such gay hangouts like Connections on James Street and also supporting Perth’s gay community in events such as the Pride Parade.
David no 3: A.k.a. Dancing Davide, although strictly speaking he is not out of the closet he is seen by a majority of his friends and family as being gay. He dances – on tyre ads, and his favourite item of clothing are his silk shirts of which he has many.
David no 4: Wedding David, caught a young girls eye. She was told by her mother to bring back a nice handsome man. This man had it all, but maybe he had a little too much. He was gay, which totally ruined it for the young girl.
David no 5: A friend of a friend who’s name is David and very much gay. Lives close to Strez and works at Video Ezy.
David no 6: Another friend of a friend of a friend (the same friend actually). Also of course GAY, why wouldn’t he be?
David no 7: Liam, a KFC member, was considered a bit camp by some. This was also re-enforced when he came to work with a David name badge “Don’t wear that” said Strez as Anne laughed “Why not” he replied “Just don’t” they pleaded.
David no 8: David a guy in Year 12 who has recently been seriously considered to be gay. His constant references to "hot" guys such as I dunno, ppl. has had certain people in Year 12 very worried
David no 9: Gym david. Always known for a rather gay voice, maybe he's only at the gym to stare at the rippling boys. Gives off a gay kinda air.