Name: Kieran

Nick Names: Kiza, Kiz meister, kiztickles

Sex: Male

Age: 17

Description: shortish, cool look, very straight nose.

Personality: quiet around people doesn’t really strike me as ever being in your face, just a mellow kinda guy. Likes a laugh though. Good working likes his music, which is repeated each Thursday. Although out side of KFC he has said to be into fighting. He’s shown several scares he has got from fights, when he got stabbed and when he stabbed someone. But a fun and funny character once you get to know him

Commencement of Employment: 2002 - April 2003

Main friends: Strez, Elvis

Overall perception by people: quiet, just does his job, cool, no one would hate him, no reason to.

Most outstanding feature: straight nose

Usually rostered on: TRANSFERED