The HK Pony
This is the first actual custom pony I ever did.  Really I was just playing around with her before I started any real customs.  I made her for my niece who wanted her brand on the pony thus the ponies symbol is HK.
Feathers and Ribbons
This was an old Forget me not.  She had really short hair and I still haven't gotten into rethreading hair yet so I decided to curl it. I used trashbag ties to get really tight curls.  Her symbol is a Twice as Fancy combination of ribbons and feathers.  She has a small feather on her right cheek.  I used hot glue to get her ribbons and wings to stay in place.
Tex the Marine
This was my small contribution in the aftermath of Sept. 11.  My brother is a Marine and we thought he was going over to Afganistan so I thought I would make him a Marine pony.  I decided to use my Tex since he already had cut hair.  I went ahead and  cut it even more to give him a military look.  I was going to paint him in camo colors, but I remembered that my brother was sometimes called Tex ( this seems to happen to any one who comes from Texas and goes more than 3 states away) so I decided that it would be more appropriate to leave the pony as Tex.  I then made him the little camo uniform.  My brother now keeps Marine Tex in his locker.
Spread the Flame
I made her for my sister who has been called to the mission field since she was 13.  She is an old Glory that I repainted.  Her symbol is a cross in front of a world on fire (for God).  She is wearing a cross necklace and has a dove friend.