My Pigeon Page
Pigeons are great!
We have racing pigeons, and also own a White Dove Release company.
We love to raise "different" colours of the birds. Here, I'll share some of the neat markings and colours we've gotten!

Check back often -- I'll try and update this page on a regular basis.
The Daughter's "Pretty Birds"
My Favorite Links:
White Dove Release Professionals
White Homing Pigeon Forum
My Business
One of the daughter's Blue Grizzles
This pretty bronze grizzle hen is decended from a hen who throws really neat colours, and some great racing stock!    Click Here to see that hen and some of her offspring

Her father is a big dark red grizzle. The hen is an "almost" mosaic checker.

The splash markings on this birds neck looks like someone spilled paint on her!
This hen is a daughter of the great hen that gives us so many of our grizzles! The cock bird is a light check Janssen. Can't see in this picture, but the wings on this hen are marked with big bronze splashes.
This Bronze Bar, or Indigo Bar, is from a light checker hen and a dusty Ash Checker (what I call "pewter").
One of our beautiful birds. The pair that gives us this colour are a Dark Ck Cock and a "Bronze Mealy" hen. So far, all of their offspring are this colour. Even the tails on this birds are unique! We've been told this colour is called "Indigo". One of my favourites - "The Pied Hen". The neck markings on this hen look like she is wearing a string of pearls.
A peanut fanatic, she practically mugs you when you come into the loft with a handful of peanuts.
Thought I'd lost her to a hawk last summer, but she was smart, and hid in a bunch of weeds under the kids' playhouse until I chased off the hawk and rescued her!