Dark Moon Magic
DarK Moon
= In everything there is a balance between light and dark,
please keep an open mind as you enter the "Dark side of the Moon"

"Home, home again
I like to be here when I can
when I come home cold and tired
it's good to warm my bones beside the fire
far away across the field
the tolling of the iron bell
calls the faithful to their knees
to hear the softly spoken magic spells"

~ Pink Floyd Dark side of the Moon...

Dark Moon Magick
From ten-and-a-half to fourteen days after the full moon. The dark moon is a time for ridding oneself of bad habits, Binding spells, for exploring our darkest recesses and understanding our angers and passions. Also bringing justice to bear.
Dark Goddess Hecate

"The Earth began to bellow, trees to dance
And howling dogs in glimmering light advance
Ere Hekate came."

Dark Goddess Hecate's celebration day is November 16

The Goddess Hecate was a deity of the night, crossroads, life and death. She was called Most Lovely One, the Distant One, Queen of the World of Spirits, goddess of witchcraft. To the Thracians especially, Hecate was goddess of the Moon, the dark hours, and the Underworld. Midwives were connected with her.

Some myths say Hecate was the daughter of the Titans Tartaros and Night; other versions say of Perseus and Asteria (Starry-Night), or of Zeus and Hera. We do know her worship did not originate in Greece. One of her sacred animals was the toad, a symbol of conception. She was called the goddess of transformation as she ruled over the various passages of life, and could change forms or ages.

Hecate was considered to be the third aspect of the Moon, the Hag or Crone (Carrier of Wisdom).The Greeks called Hecate the Hag of the Dead. (The word "hag" may have come from the Egyptian word "heq", meaning a matriarachal ruler who knew magickal words of power.)

An ally of Zeus, she was accompanied by a pack of hounds.

An aspect of the Amazon goddess, Hecate's chariot was pulled by dragons. Her symbols were the key and the cauldron. The women who worshipped her often stained their palms and soles with henna. Her festivals were held at night by torchlight. Every year on the island of Aegina in the Saronic Gulf, a mysterious festival was held in her honor

Black Candle Magic...
The black candle is very powerful. It is one of the most protective colors. It can be used to bring a person back down to earth. It can also be used in various ways to uncover secrets. It can be used in meditation, to help us find the light within the dark. It stabilizes and awakens greater responsibility. It is most effective when burnt with a white candle. Too much black can manifest depression.

Use Black candles for magic with...
The God, New moon magic, Male energy, banishing Magic, Diet, Protection; Repelling negativity; Binding, shapshifting. Use black candles for mirror Scrying. Traditional candles for the dead during remembrance rituals at Samhain (Halloween)

Black Salt
Black Salt is used in banishing, binding rituals or to quiet bothersome neighbors. Magically used to remove negative energies from items, or places. Often used to remove hexes and other harmful or negative energies. Cleanse your magical implements in a bath of black salt and water... and then wash in a bath of sea salt to purify the item and allow in only positive energies.

A PERFECT ingredient for filling 'Binding Poppets' for a powerful outcome. Place a black candle in a pile of black salt for Samhain Remembrance rituals, sprinkle Ouiji Boards with Black Salt before use.

While the sabbats are solar festivals that celebrate and honor the Sun, God and male energy, esbats are rituals celebrated by witches and pagans to revere the moon, and the feminine energy represented by her lunar cycle.

Esbats, derived from the French esbattre, meaning "to frolic," are gatherings or solitary rituals held every month on the night of that month's full moon, to worship the goddess as represented by the moon. Some groups and solitaries may hold their esbats on the night of the new moon, however. It is also the correct time to hold an esbat, and some motivated groups or persons may hold rituals on both nights. Esbats may also be known as lunar rituals.

While sabbats are strictly days of celebration, esbats are known as "working" rituals. This is usually the time set aside for a coven, groups or solitaries to perform magick, such as casting spells for the success of a new endeavor, healing rituals, etc.

~ 1999 Lady Serenity's Sacred Circle

Tips for Spell work
Fashion Bread Dough into Dollar sign and bake. Serve as a symbolic altar offering for money spells.
To terminate a marital feud, cut and cook cabbage during a waning Moon.
To keep the evil eye from casting its glare on you, carry a mojo bag filled with sage.
Be sure to let your hair flow loose during ritual work to enhance the power of the act .
Call on the crone goddess Bellona when attempting to communicate with spirits of the dead, offerings on your altar should include apples and bloodstones.
Accentuate the potency of a pomander love charm by including orris root powder as an ingredient.
When conducting a protection spell, light a black candle to absorb the negative energy.
Use black licorice as a deity offering.
Scatter black cohosh leaves in the corner of a room to evict a negative energy force.

Binding Spell

The purpose of this spell is to rid yourself of the negative energies of someone who is mentally or emotionally abusing you. If done properly, it will not harm the object of the spell nor will it affect his or her daily life in any way. It will simply make the person powerless to mentally or emotionally harm you.

Preform when Moon is dark


Small cloth doll,(poppet) leave the head unstitched until you are ready to begin the ritual Needle and thread

Some personal item from the person you want to bind (fingernail clippings, hair, handwriting sample)

Black ribbon

Black candle

Cauldron or other fireproof container

Sterilized needle

Piece of parchment paper and pen or quill

One candle at each quarter (optional)


Call the quarters - I like to use candles at each quarter to form a circle of fire for extra protection. Light the black candle Concentrating deeply on the person you are binding, place the personal object inside the head of the doll and sew it shut.Tie the black ribbon around the poppet's head, signifying the binding of that person.

'With harm to none, my will be done

I hereby bind you (name of person)

Your words cannot harm me

Your thoughts cannot harm me

You cannot harm me'

Continue chanting this or something like it until you feel power surging through you. Visualize the person helpless to slander or verbally and mentally abuse you while you are chanting.

~ Now, to bind the spell ~

If you have a sigil or a craft name, sign it on the small piece of paper. If not, sign your own full name. If others are working the ritual with you, they too should sign the paper. With the sterilized needle, prick one of your fingers and put a small drop of blood over your signature. Again, if others are working with you, they should place a drop of blood over their signatures. (using a different needle, of course) Fold the paper, light it on fire and drop it into the cauldron (which should be on a heat-proof surface!). Meditate on the flames until the paper completely burns away. If you are working with a group, join hands at this point and feel the power surging around the circle as the spell is bound. Ground and center

Release the circle. Thank the Goddess and God for their protection and power Bury the doll as far away from you as possible within the next few days.

"You are bound to that which you bind !"

Spell to raise spirits

To see spirits, old European grimoires recommend mixing together aloe, pepper, musk, vervain, and saffron and burning this in a cemetery. We can adapt this for other locations (like those in which the spirit lived) by adding a bit of sweet grass or tobacco to a specially prepared incense. Create the incense on the anniversary of the death of the individual you wish to contact. This is then burned at 11 am, in the safety of a magic circle that also holds symbolic items to connect you to the entity. An incantation to encourage the spirit's presence is

"Guardians of the Spirit realm, hear and guide my plea.

When the witching hour rings true, bring my friend (loved one, etc.) ________ to me.

Other souls who hear my call are not welcome in this place.

Only the one known as _____ may enter sacred space."

Repeat the request three times, twenty minutes apart, then wait quietly for indications of a presence. Signs include the scent of flowers or a favored cologne, a cool wind, movement of curtains, and candles going out or twitching erratically. Once you feel sure the spirit is with you, do not make it remain overly long. Take care of your business, say farewell, and thank the guardians for their assistance.

* Communication with and understanding the purposes of spirits:

! Word of Warning !

Spiritual entities should not be banished or called for amusement. It is best to contact a knowledgeable, experienced psychic for advice or assistance before undertaking any of these spells.

~ Timing ~

In-between times (noon, midnight, dusk, and dawn). Halloween. Seasons of late fall and winter. Moon in Libra. Eclipses. Wednesday.

Author unknown

Witches Fivefold kiss
This was traditionally part of the ritual between the priest and priestess, as well as part of the great rite.

"Blessed be thy feet which have brought thee in these ways
Blessed be thy knees that kneel at the sacred altar
Blessed be thy sex, without which we would not be here
Blessed be thy breast, formed in beauty and strength
Blessed be thy lips, that they shall utter thy sacred names..."

To Curse a book
"By the powers of witches and mages

By the wisdom of crones and sages

By the Moon as it moves through its stages

By Hecate and lunar rages

By the Sphinx and for the ages

I craft a curse upon these pages."

~ Author Unknown

To Beckon a Person
To beckon a someone, write the persons name on parchment paper in Dove's blood ink, fold paper three times and put under candle holder. light a white candle that you have "dressed" in Rosemary oil and rolled in dry Rosemary leaves. If you have a picture of the person put it next to candle. Stand to the East while saying:

"If you are turning towards me
know I turn also to you,
and come to me in love

If you are thinking of me
know I think also of you,
and come to me in love

If you are saying my name
know that I say your name, and call you to me
and come to me in love


Repeat as needed.
Timing; When Mercury rules, Moon in Gemini, Wednesdays. Leave the candle to burn out until you here from the one you call.

Witches Bottle
The Witch's Bottle protects the Witch from all negativity for as long as the bottle stays underground. This spell is an important part of the PectiWitan focus of my tradition because once you have created your bottle, there is no need to cast a circle for protection.

Making the Bottle:
- Take a small jar and fill it about halfway with sharp objects such as pins, needles, nails, screws, etc.
- Fill the rest of the bottle with urine and perhaps a spot of menstrual blood
- Tightly seal
- Use your athame (if you have one) to dig a hole (Make sure you chose a place that is unlikely to be disturbed)
- Place the bottle in the hole and cover with dirt

~ Reference Scottish WitchCraft by Raymond Buckland

Witches Bottle Chant

'I am a witch of ancient lore, I petition these trees, and forest floor.
Converge myself upon this site, spider weaving power and might.
Air and Fire, Water and Earth, aid in my quest, I call you forth.
Aradia, Aradia, I intone, thrice the power you have shone.
Open my spiral of strength and sorcery, encompass the soul you have granted me.
Pentacle of old, stones of deep, protection around, assistance I seek.
Marry my veins, to this Earth, Cernunnos I summon you forth.
Steele needles and pins, red blood of sins.
Buried deep in clandestine dusk, liquid Venus, scent of musk.
Hear my words from Moon to Moon, cite the Lord & Lady's Rune
By the law of three times three, this spell is done, so mote it be.....
The Pentacle

The most important symbol of Witchcraft is the pentacle. The pentacle (or pentagram) is a Witches symbol of protection and positive power. The five points signify earth, air, fire, water and spirit.

The symbol of Witchcraft, The Pentacle, is a bold and fascinating statement about our place in the Universe. The pentagram represents an ancient concept that can be found in philosophical thought in both East and West. Although over 8,000 years old, the image of the pentagram is applicable in our modern world. The pentagram tells us that we have the ability to bring Spirit to Earth; this applies to every area of practical day-to-day living, as well as spiritual thought. The ability of bringing Spirit to Earth is what makes us whole.

Earth: (lower left hand corner) represents stability and physical endurance.
Fire: (lower right hand corner) represents courage and daring.
Water: (upper right hand corner) represents emotions and intuition.
Air: (upper left hand corner) represents intelligence and the arts.
Spirit: (at the topmost point) represents the All and the Divine.
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