Ginger                                        Success, Money, Power, Love
Ginseng                                       Attracts, love, luck and health
Gota Kola                                    Meditiation
Heliotrape                                   To attract Money and Gain                                                                                    Power.
Hemlock                                      To induce Astral Projection,
                                                     and purify magical tools.
Hibiscus                                      For Love, Lust, Divination
Honeysuckle                                Money drawing, psychic                                                                                       awareness, memory, healing,                                                                                      power,honesty.
Hops                                           Healing, sleep
Hyacinth                                     For love and protection
Hyssop                                       Purification, protection
Jasmine                                     Love, prophetic dreams, money,                                                                             sleep, love, healing, health,                                                                                         meditation.
John the Conqueror                   Money, love, happiness, hex-                                                                                 breaking, protection
Juniper Berries                         Protection, health, increases                                                                                 psychic powers
Lavender                                  Chastity, love, peace, happiness,                                                                            clairvoyance, longevity, sleep, protection
Lemon                                      Longevity, purification, love, friendship
Lemongrass                              For lust, psychic powers and to repel snakes
Lilac                                        Protection, banishing
Lily of the Valley                       For peace, harmony and love
Lotus                                         Spirituality, love, protection
Magnolia                                   Peace, nature spells, hair growth
Mandrake                                  For protection, fertility, money and love
Marigold                                   Protection, prophetic dreams, legal matters,                                                            psychic powers
Mistletoe                                    Protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism
Mugwart                                    Strength, psychic powers, healing, astral                                                                projection
Musk                                         Courage, fertility, lust
Myrrh                                        Spirituality, healing, protection, exorcism,                                                             transformation, consecration
Narcissus                                    For peace and harmony
Nutmeg                                       Fidelity, luck, money, health
Orange                                        Divination, love, luck, money
Orange Blossom                            For beauty, love
Orris                                            For love
Passion Flower                            Peace, sleep, friendship
Patchouli                                     Fertility, lust, money, protection, divination
Pennyroyal                                   For strength, protection, peace
Peppermint                                 Love, psychic awareness, lust, mental stimulant,                                                          energy, protection