WiccaWitch's Samhain Page
MM and Brightest Blessings I will be adding additions to each Sabbat Page Closer to that Sabbat so keep checking back for Recipes and Crafts throughout the year!
October 30th or 31st in the Northern Hemisphere
April 30th or May 1st in the Southern Hemisphere
This is the Wiccan New Year and the most important holiday. The word means "Summer's End" in Gaelic. It was the ancient Celts New Years Eve.
Pronounced "SOW-wen", "SEW-wen", "SOW-vain", "SAV-een", "Sahm-HAYN".
Also spelled Samhuim or Samhuinn
The world of the living and dead are closest this time of year. It is the end of harvest and is a time to remember those who have died. It marks the symbolic death of god before the rebirth of the Goddess and the beginning of the season of death. In the Celtic tradition it was believed that all who died had to wait until Sanhain before crossing over the the world of the spirits. It is believed that future can be more easily seen at this time.
Also refered to as: Halloween, All Saints, Day of the Dead, All Hallows Eve, the Last Harvest, Feast of Souls, Feast of the Dead, All Souls Eve, November Eve, Hallowed Eve, and The Witches New Year.
Goddesses associated with this holiday: Nephthys, Oya, Cerridwen, Eurydice, Hecate, Hel, Inanna, Kali, Morrigan
Colors associated with this holiday; orange, black and blue
Herbs and fruits associated with this sabbot: thistle, pumpkin, corn, grains of all kinds, pomegranites, wormwood, pears, apples,
Traditional practices: leaving a plate of food out for the souls of the dead called 'soul cakes", lighing a candle in the window, giving food to travelers (or trick or treating), jack-o-lanterns (faces were carved on pumpkins to frighten off evil spirits) and bonfires.
Samhain Crafts


Items needed:

Glass gems or pebbles that are used in floral arrangements. Wal-Mart has them in the florist section.
electric engraver
safety glasses
sewing machine or needle and thread

Practice your engraving on old drink bottles if you are not used to using one. Use the bottles later for the Bottle Tree! Make SURE you ALWAYS wear your safety glasses when engraving with glass!
Once you have become proficient at engraving, engrave the individual runes onto each pebble.
Fold the material in half and sew up the edges. Fold the top edge over approx. 1/2 inch  and sew, fold again and sew again.
Place the runes in the bag and secure bag with ribbon.

Cauldron Candles

Items needed:

wax (left-over candles will work fine)
candle wicking (wicking from broken candles work fine, too)
coffee can and pan
pencils or chop sticks
small cauldron (optional)

Put the sand in the bucket and wet with water until it holds its shape when pressed.
If you have a small cauldron, press it into the wet sand.
If you DON'T have a small cauldron, use your fist to make the impression. With a pencil (eraser end) make three indentations at the bottom of the impression - these will be the cauldron legs.
Insert the candle wick into the bottom of the impression. Lay the chop stick over the top of the impression and set the wick against it so it will help support the wick once you pour the wax
Put the wax into the coffee can and set the coffee can in a pot of boiling water until the wax melts. DON'T EVER LEAVE THE STOVE. Wax can catch fire!
Wearing oven mitts, pour the wax into the impression in the sand.
Allow to cool throughly. When cool, scoop the candle out with your hand.


Items needed:

an oblong bead
a pendant
approx. 9" chain (a broken necklace will work great)
needlenose pliers
one pin head wire (found in bead stores)
clippers (I use toenail clippers!)
two small beads

Thread the beads onto the pin head wire in this order: small bead, oblong bead, small bead.
With the clippers, clip off remaining wire, leaving approx. 3/4" remaining.
Using the needlenose pliers, bend the wire holding the beads into a ring and clamp.
Open a link on one end of your chain, and thread through the loop you just made.Clamp shut using the pliers.
Open the link on the opposite end of your chain,loop through the pendant. Clamp shut.
To use the Pendulum, hold the pendant in your hand loosely,elbow on the table, letting the pendulum swing free. Still the movements of the pendulum with your other hand. Ask the pendulum to show you "yes" - the pendulum should start to move in a pattern, usually in a circle or back or forth. If you can't really tell, ask the pendulum to be more precise. Once a pattern is established, this is the Pendulum's "yes." Now, ask the pendulum to show you "no." Keep your pendulum in a safe place, and it will treat you well!
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