Crimson Angel of Death
    My name is Brianne. I am fifteen years old. I live in Oregon, USA. I am now a ninth grader. I have one sister. I live with my mother, sister, and grandmother. I have three dogs. Two Shetland Sheepdogs, and one Black Lab.
      I am interested in many activities. Some of these include theatre, DDR, walking, internet, band, and music. I am in my Symphonic Band (my top band) at my High School. As well as Freshman Band, as an aide.
    I have many friends. Only a few are really close to me and others are just friends. For the ones who care about they will always be there. If  I fall down they  are always there. If I am bored I can call one of them and ?I will have someone to talk to. If I want to go shopping you know they are there in a flash. If I don't feel to good they are there to make me laugh or at least tell me to suck it up. Just kidding ya! they are great. These are my BESTEST FRIENDS
