
What's New

Wagner Middle

Lily Hill




All Grown Up!

Photo Albums



Lost & Found



Welcome to the Clark AB
Class of 94 Pages!
visitors to this page!
Last updated 9.23.03
© LilBrownBird Creations
What's New
Tue 9.23.03 : Recreated What's New page; Recreated WMS form, LHMS form, All Grown Up form, and Reunions form; Created placeholder pages for Mementos, Photo Albums, and Lost & Found; Configured guestbook (currently empty)
Sun 9.21.03 : Began re-creation of site using Yahoo! Geocities Pagebuilder; Completed basic template design; Replaced home page
The Class of 1994. Wagner High School's last freshman class.

Can you believe it's been twelve (count 'em, TWELVE!) years since we walked through the halls of Wagner High together!?!

It has been almost three years since I last updated these pages, which are dedicated to all members, friends, and family of Clark Air Base's class of 1994. My apologies for the outdated information--and please excuse the dust and dead links as I update the layout.  Even as I clean things up, I'd love for you to make these pages your own! If you have photos, etc., that you'd like posted,
e-mail them to me or send them to me! Anything submitted by snail mail will be returned ASAP!

Well, that's it for now! I'll try to keep these pages updated as often as possible. Don't forget to sign our
Slambook and our guestbook on your way out! Take care and happy surfing!

Thank you for the memories and for your friendship.
Phoebe de la Cruz '94