Whoa vs IBE
We had an excellent turnout for this weekend war with IBE but whew, they brought their best games to the tables tonight as they rolled us 7-2.  Great playing everyone, you all did well, and thanks for coming and supporting the clan!  We will get em next time!

Singles - best of 3

whoa_ateph0n defeated ibe_kiwi 2-0
ibe_jedi  defeated  whoa_demo 2-1
ibe_trippin  defeated  whoa_bo0_bo0 2-0
ibe_gohan  defeated  whoa_knowitall 2-0

Doubles - best of 3

ibe_ghettotabulous/ibe_hitting_girls defeated whoa_cupcake/whoa_p_o_d  2-1
ibe_fireboy/ibe_jedi defeated   whoa_baby_blue/whoa_humble 2-1
ibe_gohan/ibe_trippin defeated whoa_coolcat/whoa_p_o_d 2-0
whoa_ateph0n/whoa_demo  defeated
ibe_kiwi/ibe_rebel  2-0

Singles - best of 3
ibe_jedi defeated  whoa_humble 2-1

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War Results

Whoa loses 2-7