



11/15: My golly it's been a while eh?! Well, in all honesty, I'm thinking about taking this 'ol site down. I probably won't, but the thought of doing so is definitely there. There's not really much I'm saying here that I'm not saying on Myspace or in emails and there's not much else I'm showing here that isn't already on Myspace, facebook, or DeviantArt. What I might begin to do is take some things down, and instead, post links to other areas of the above mentioned sites. maybe... maybe not. Time will tell on that one. To get the pictures working how I want them to, it looks like I'm gonna have to upload them to here. I have Picassa now but I haven't really fooled around with it and I also have photoshop elements so between those two, there's possibly a way to rescale a bunch of pics at once instead of having to do them one by one. Another option is to make separate pages for the pics and just let them all roam full size. or do the rescaling In the HTML Code. this wold be a pretty big P.I.A. cuz of the extra pages I'd have to make and it seems way more wasteful and more than it needs to be. As for me and the tablet... we're gett'n along just fine and dandy =D I have some stuff I"ll be posting, thing is, though, the bigger the pic, the more space it takes up. Even a small pic can take up a large amount of space, depending on the resolution. I'm going to keep fooling around with Photobucket, but the way I might have to tackle this picture issue is to post multiple pix on a page. maybe the whole row it's displayed in will come up per page. I"m debating it, but hey, it's something. I'll probably be getting rid of the music player.... we'll see. heh heh. And it might be fun to start planting some "easter eggs" throughout the page, like maybe there's a period that's really a link to somewhere and whatnot. we shall see. Whelp, I suppose that's about it for now. PEACE! 4/30: So today I'm working on a new banner for my web page. The old one is ok.... but it was thrown together kinda quick, kinda sloppy, to replace the previous, makeshift one, but also, it's pretty outdated. So we'll see how this new one turns out. I'm working on it right now using my tablet!!!! So yeah, we'll see what pours out of this mind of mine. I'll either be moving the pix around soon or rearranging how they work. At the moment I'm still researching how I can make sure it comes up in that window so it doesn't interrupt the player.

4/15: Well well.... pretty hard to update when u don't have internet. OH well. On to other thihgs... namely the state and future of this site. Will I keep it up? sure. Will I do more with it? Definitely. Have I said this before? Indeed, I have. So where do we go from here? I'll tell you. I'm going to be going through my pix section and redoing the ones that are on photobucket so that they open up in the same window and don't take over the broswer, thereby allowing same windwo browsing and not disturbing the playlist. The'll be resized and made a little smaller but that shouldn't be a problem. Things like the content of the info section doesn't really change much anyway. I'll be having a tablet soon, so also keep an eye out for artwork stuff. I'm going to upload some pictures that I've made and scanned so they should be there soon. let's see... My playlist will get some songs if I can remember my password. I have some new links I want to get up and going. I might delete the shoutouts part. That was lightweight rediculous anyway. Definitely gonna get to work on a new banner. Currently my laptop is in the shop so till I get it back some of the more file oriented things aren't going to start till later this week. So yeah, I suppose that's about it. if I get to anything today, which I probably will, I'll post it here. 1/6: UBC Tigers game update. 1/5/2008: HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Wow, has it really been close to 8 MONTHS since I last had an update?! Wow.... talk about SLACK'N! anyway, I added some more content and updated some things in the INFO section, the HOOP section, and the QUOTES section. More to come soon and more often.

5/23 Oh man what a 24th birthday... It was definately good times.

4/25 Just updated the HOOP section. Added a link to the UBC Tigers home page. I also put up a Chico Force page that I'll be posting updates on. Right now it's just talking about my current standing with the team. I'm still looking for a way to get those pictures to stay in the frame. I have yet another idea but it's a bit more than I really want to do so we'll see how it works out.

4/11: I have updated the LINKS! It's only 8:42 am right now so who knows what else I'll do to the site today. probably a lot cuz I'm really anxious. Why am I anxious? Cuz I'm headed to NEW YORK tomorrow!!! Oh yeah, who da man? who da man? Will da man!! Will da man!!! (do'n the cabbage patch) HOLLA!
Okay, it's 1526 and I just put up my NEW BANNER!! I got to work on it earlier today while I was bored out of my mind. this is what I've come up with... for now. I think today I'll start work'n on that frame setting for the PIX section that I was talk'n about. I'm gonna draw up a plan first.

4/10:Well, in the pictures section I have the first half of the pictures where if you click on them, they stay in the same frame. the other half are the same old way. It's gonna be harder for me to get into all that. If you really wanna know the details, just ask. As for the other topic, I said by the middle of April I hope to have this site current and up and runn'n again. Well, I'm ALMOST there! Sure there are some more pictures I could add, but as of right now, my INFO section is fairly accurate, the hoop section has been revamped, there are new pictures and progress there, the lyrics section has a few new songs (i'll start dating the upload dates on those, starting w/ the next one). I still have to update my LINKS section, which honestly shouldn't be too hard. the main thing is I'm still debating on how I want to do it. Although, I do have an idea. I've pretty much decided to take the shout outs section down. I don't really see much point in having it up. I don't think I'll delete the page but it's look'n like I might be deleting the link. I have my reasons for this. hmmm.... yeah, that's about it for now. OH, one of the things that will be happening to the pictures section is I might be changing it up a bit and seeing if that makes a difference. The plan is, when you go to the PIX section, there will be another frame at the top with a preview of the pictures and index buttons to go foreward or backward. it'll be a bit of a project so I'm gonna work on some prototypes and then if I get it go'n I'll add it in. My goal for this is sometime in June. Most of this page is pretty simple HTML. That thing w/ the frames I haven't done since I made the site so I'd have to refresh myself on that to get the pictures to maybe work the way I want them to. Also, a random fact that came up today when I was talk'n to Teri is that it's exactly 40 DAYS until my birthday. Just thought I'd point that out.

4/6: Here's the slideshow of "The Shearing"