
Nickname: Beach Bum
Age: 20
Origin: Somewhere in the USA (No one really Knows where)
Hobbies Surfing, SKim Boarding, eating and playing music. You know, all the the usual rock star stuff
Quote "The beach is free, why work?"


Nickname: Apologetic Padraig
Age: 20
Origin: Kinlough, Co. Leitrim (No one really Knows where that is either)
Hobbies Homework, Not going out, Homework again and some ... Homework (and then the odd band practice)
Quote "Sorry" "Im wrecked"


Nickname: BassickLee
Age: 20
Origin: The good Ol' Seaside resort town known as Bundoran
Hobbies Trying to work in every business he possible can and being late to band practice (or not even showing up)
Quote "Can i get a lift"


Nickname: Ted, Teddy, Irish. You name it and im called it
Age: 20
Origin: Kinlough, Co. Leitrim (the band is half kinloughs population)
Hobbies Surfing, Guitar, soccer and the odd skydiving adventure
Quote Every breath i take, every move i... wait no whats supposed to go here?


Nickname: Sham
Age: 17
Origin: Kinlough, Co. Leitrim (ok maybe 3/4 of the population)
Hobbies Football and being in multiple bands
Quote "Yea,sound" and "No bother"
