Green Team 2008-2009
Meeting 4
Thursday, October 16th, 2008
I. Welcome
   a. Is everyone getting the e-mails?
        i. New members: sign the e-mail list!
   b. Does anyone have any articles?
   c. Any Varsity Recyclers know where the key is?

II. Meeting with Robin Organ/greenschools
     a. Newspaper :
          i. Told her of our constraints
          ii. Hopes to get one out by Nov. 22nd: just an introductory one about what this newspaper/newsletter will be and who we (the WHS GT) are, who greenschools is
           iii. Hopes it will be more collaborative effort of many schools later on

III. Green Youth Summit

     a. November 22nd
     b. Anyone interested in helping out?

IV. Bulletin Board
     a. Any plans to finish? (GT projects, GT news, green news, green facts, etc)
     b. Need help?

V.  Middle School Green Team
     a. Very enthusiastic
     b. Do they need help?
     c. Which ideas are they planning to implement? (ie green certification?)

VI. Green Certification
     a. New training days (TBD as of 10/13)
     b. Did everyone get the documents?
     c. Tell your teachers to get certified!
     d. Tell them to send Missy an e-mail ( saying their name, room #, availability, whether or not they need/want a paper bin (cardboard) and a personal bin
     e. Need a refresher on how to get on to google docs?

VII. Field recycling.
     a. updates?

VIII. Freshman Seminars
     a. Let everyone know when they are signed up
     b. Notify guidance counselors at least a week in advance (via e-mail?)
     c. Go through process quickly, hand out sheet
     d. Ten Percent for the Future video?

IX. Town Meeting
     a. October 20th, 7:30 pm, voting to pass the building project and the bucket
     b. The bucket = $1.5 million worth of green technology
     c. Come if you want, speak if you want
     d. Wear green!

X. Facebook group
     a. How can we use this to effectively communicate with the memebers?

XI. Ideas about "green challenge"
     a. How can we reward green students?
     b. "Most Green" superlative in the yearbook?

XII. Any other ideas/issues? Wrap Up