Green Team 2008-2009
Meeting 13
Friday, February 6th, 2009
I. Welcome
     A. Any articles or stories?

II. Updates
     A. Cafeteria
          1. Leaders: Cora, Lucy, Sarah, Sue
          2. Anything new?
nothing new...hope for 1st  or 2nd Monday after Vacation to meet with Student Congress
     B. Planet Aid
          1. Leaders: Courtney, Julie, Katie S., Melissa
          2. Anything new? Middle School?
     C. 350 Stars
          1. Leaders: Lucy, Missy
          2. What is
          3. Plans for getting stars? (Goal = 300)
     D. Green Certification
          1. Be sure to update the tree
          2. Touch base with groups at end of meeting if possible
    E. Seminar Day
          1. Leaders: Jane, Hsieh, Sue
          2. "Green it Up!"
          3. Watch Wall-E while making green crafts
               a. From old magazines, etc.

     E. Greenschools Fair
          1. Saturday, March 21st at Woburn Memorial High School
          2. Did anyone who wants to go not sign up last time?
          3. Contact TD Banknorth about sponsor
          4. Student Ambassadors
     F. Green Team Dinner
          1. How does Friday, February 13th sound?
     G. Melissa's senior project

III. Earth Week
     A. Leaders: Leticia, Soomi
     B. Assign leaders to smaller projects
          1. Cafeteria Culture Day (2-3 leaders)
- Danae
               - Hsieh
               - Jane
               - Madi
               - Sue

          2. Outdoor Beautification Day (2 leaders)
- Cora
               - Danae
               - Hsieh
               - Iris
               - Jane
               - Soojin
               - Soomi

          3. Story of Stuff Viewing (1 leader)
- Missy
4. (?) Jeopardy Game (2 leaders)
               - Hsieh
               - Missy

          5. Daily Announcements (1 leader)

               - Iris
               - Lucy

          6. Lesson Plans

               - Leticia
               - Lucy
               - Madi
               - Missy
               - Soomi
               - Sue

               a. Languages
                    i.  Spanish (1 leader)
                    ii.  French (1 leader)
                    iii.  German (1 leader)
                    iv.  Latin (1 leader)
                    v.  Mandarin (1 leader)
               b. English (2 leaders)
               c. History (2 leaders)
                   -Story of Stuff viewing and discussion?
               d. Science
                    i. Earth Science - need anything?
                    ii. Chemistry (1-2 leaders)
                    iii. Biology (1-2 leaders)
                    iv. Physics (1-2 leaders)
               e. Math (2 leaders)

IV. Break up into project groups

- TALK TO ADMMINISTRATION Ð Dr. Keough, Mrs. Novograski
  - Jane, Lucy, Missy, Soomi.

DANAE - water bill