Green Team 2008-2009
Meeting 15
Thursday, March 5th, 2009
I. Welcome
     a. Any articles or stories?

II. Updates
     a. 350 stars
          i. Leaders: Lucy, Missy
          ii. How is it going so far?
     b. Cafeteria
          i. Leaders: Katie, Lucy, Sue
          ii. Any word on prices...current and of some more eco-friendly options
     c. Melissa's Senior Project
          i. Leaders: Melissa
          ii. How is it going?
          iii. Do you still need help, want to send an e-mail?
     d. Recycling Bins on the Fields
          i. Leaders: Soomi
          ii. Any progress?
          iii. Any timeline?

III. Earth Week
     a. Leaders: Leticia, Soomi
     b. Any new ideas?
          i. Madi - posters
     c. Check-in on progress
          i. What does each group need to do today?
               - Outdoor Beautification
               - Cafeteria Culture Day
               - Speakers, assembly (?)
               - Jeopardy Game
          ii. What should our timeline be for the lesson plans?
               - Want to get together outside school to discuss?
     d. Break into groups, discuss

IV. Wrap-Up
     a. Does any group need help?
     b. Next Green Team Dinner...April? Any ideas? Just to think about.